protest against charter deportations on 6 December in Göttingen
Even with this as antiracism, representing solidarity with the threatened removal of the remains of a particularly vicious resentment antiziganistischen unfortunately anonymous. The cancellation of non-recyclable material people, the deportation of refugees into Kosovo pogrom hell demonstrates first the rationality of an absolutely irrational form of socialization, namely the capitalist, the superfluity of the phenomenal Man tells him functionalize than those guardians, ie, as capital-affinity human material, and the rule of those precipitates that succeed impossible to conceal the lack of capital affinity by the organic inclusion in the government and the people, by the unautochthonen worthless. Where is the heart and soul kept of values of the national integrated Warenmonade - Capital productivity and state loyalty - so different from those "beggar-Romanians" and "Rotation Europeans" be mocked, betrays itself in resentment of an irrepressible fear of impending barbarism of the labor force container before the deprivation of their own. Sun shudder it the weighty body of the German Enlightenment, truly classless proletariat: "Your legs and feet are twisted, bent shuffle them limp, theatrical. Misery beggars besiege the Christmas markets (...) and the authorities (are) powerless. "The idea that nothing but mere nature, nothing but ailing corporeality that without" falls asleep intrusive Geschnorre "is left once the crisis totalized in alarm, the Germans before the Blessed glühwein own anti-social and the impending fate: the hesitant death of bourgeois subjectivity.
The antiziganistische resentment is more than a merely capricious hostility. It addresses the "Romanians" aggression objects on which their own impending redundancy, the degeneration of the labor force in the container is moved poorly clad in rags nature. The state of the German peoples backyard fanatisieren now the resentment in active pogrom desires. unite in Hungary, the government party of the Hungarian Civic Alliance (Fidesz) and the "Movement for a Hungary (Jobbik) over 80 percent of the Budapest Parliament seats. While a local politician of Fidesz rants, that pregnant "gypsies" maltreat their bellies with blows to their disabled children to maximize Wohlfahrtsschröpfung, counsel the Jobbik Member of the European Parliament, Csanád Szegedi, one must "Gypsy" temporarily concentrate into separate zones that can only should leave "registration" and to nightfall. That the antiziganistische violence "a prelude to an anti-Semitism" (Joachim Bruhn, in: "Specifically," 10/92) is because the fascist mobilization can be no doubt: this is founded the Hungarian Hamasz, a "covenant patriotic Hungarians" Hungary to keep from being devalued as a "Jewish colony". (Only logical that with the Jobbik on 11 September the "Arab-Hungarian Friendship boasts.) And in" Árpád Népe, "a party sermons of Jobbik, presented to the Warlock of the circulation: the hook-nosed conspirators .
While German, French and Finnish government "Rotation Europeans" dumps, formed in Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria Italy and the spontaneous antiziganistische Pogrommob. In the criterion of racist and anti-Semitic resentments seek the isolated egoists of social competition in the wrong unit to delay the crisis of self-expansion. The notorious suspect, who makes a less radical than the other, in antiziganism to racist outrage at organized parasitism.
solidarity with those threatened with deportation, prevented the charter deportations on 7 and 9 December 2010!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Quantom Backpacking Fishing Pole
Blind spot, etc.
Although my blog has nothing to do with my project Art In The City and I do not report about our shoot ... But if I take the constructive criticism of ( The city known Web-Tip (II): Art in the City ) and will write more again. So GO:
Vernissage "blind spot"
on 5 November 2010
During the Month of Photography under the slogan "en face" have a few artists have joined forces and have the old market hall at Wien Mitte (positive) abused to their images hang to spray the walls and to organize the whole thing as a giant party where live bands occurred. Here are a few of my favorite works:
Although my blog has nothing to do with my project Art In The City and I do not report about our shoot ... But if I take the constructive criticism of ( The city known Web-Tip (II): Art in the City ) and will write more again. So GO:
Vernissage "blind spot"
on 5 November 2010
During the Month of Photography under the slogan "en face" have a few artists have joined forces and have the old market hall at Wien Mitte (positive) abused to their images hang to spray the walls and to organize the whole thing as a giant party where live bands occurred. Here are a few of my favorite works:
by Carina Hinterberger
by Marie-Therese Jakoubek
Niklas Worisch sprayed the door and called it "I did not do it"
Hie r still a few interesting "Little things"
This lamp is in the home of the Art In The City engineer Ernst Miesgang that it has itself created from a vacuum cleaner. I love his apartment.
Prince, my very talented friend, has made this ceiling light.
My 4-year nephew Noah has always been very artistically talented and has to learn without it already can write his name ... almost at least.
To entertain
For this blog entry does not completely fall out of the scheme
affordable art for his living room and Christmas very special place in their Vienna factory photo. The opening is this Saturday 15 clock and runs until 31 Full January 2011.
on Saturday 11 December The Sausage in Schikaneder from 20.00 clock with DJs and VJs and a highlight video of our four podcasts
last week a new art space has opened up 500 square meters where not will only be issued, but where artists can create their art on the spot. Address: Great Mohrengasse 8, 1020 Vienna - to appear more in the next Art in the City episode, the next Monday.
On the 11th December in quartier21: 26 international artists who devote themselves solely to the speaker to open their exhibition. With live performance by Benoit Maubrey. Do not forget: All those old speakers do not need more they can bring to the museum district and on with Mister Maubrey 11.12. ! Destroy
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Bible Word On The Street
solidarity with Walid
One of solidarity with Palestinians is not anti-Semitic projection would rise up: a young blogger from the Palestinian National Authority by the managed Qalqiliya arrested for atheistic propaganda . Now threatens the apostates until his death, the incarceration. Even his mother calls for the punishment in order to bury the shame that she was burdened by the criticism of religion.
"Palestine - the people will set you free", has this not as a slogan of solidarity with the Palestinians is boasting anti-Zionism, only those from the German province , immortalized themselves programmatically. Is in need of anti-Zionism on the Palestinian soil, the regressive utopia of domination as reconciled, first nature of man, languishing as a copy of his people. The empirical Man, however, the anti-Zionism is just a trifle.
in anti-Semitism, such as geopolitical in its reproduction: the anti-Zionism is potentiated ideology and fetishism of social monad, which trumps the forced integration into the totality of the capital ratio by the empathy with the metaphysical Subtanz of domination. The people, that soul wax synthesis of social, living the atomized individual as the Made in rancid bacon. Sun denounced the hypocritical society mask solidarity to Israel, of which she is longing to free the rule: the "frenzy of abstraction," as the "young age" (27/06/2005) religious vocation in the Agitator Jöran Jermas speaks. Domination is natural way, our destiny, but Israel is a "state of the Tube" ("JW", 4/24/2002), a "virtual state" (J. Jermas), an integration unwilling, "colonial foreign body" (Norman Paech, MP aD) - a truly, structures' fetishistic infatuation.
solidarity, betrayal and reconciliation of the irreconcilable
It is the misfortune of those people who are as 'Palestinian people' of the anti-Semitic projection made manageable, as a heroic, sacrificial against people on the anti-rule of the Jewish state to serve. While
of the Intifada were verhäuft Palestinian gays as "collaborators" denounced and murdered. Sexual dissidence and apply it to reproduce neither willing nor capable of pleasure as internal hostility to the martyrs company people. Moreover, tried competing racquets, allegedly gay men and women with poor reputation for modesty in the suicide bombing recruit. That this is especially for young women was documented by the Israeli director Natalie Assouline, who spoke with incarcerated women martyrs .
One of the women spoke to the Assouline longs to blow up their bodies in an Israeli hospital in the air in which they previously because of severe skin burns, was in debt serviced by the domestic exploitation. The fire scars Stigmata eternal pain, the Israeli doctor who could not heal their wounds, to overcome their own suffering in the murder of those who tried to help. Martyrdom is broken in the disappearance of their own bodily nature, but only finds meaning in the suffering of murder of the Jews by the projective elimination of any non-identity with the forced collective. The Jihadistinnen who are subscribed to the people on biological reproduction and their female sensuality, as far as this goes beyond the socially significant aphrodisiac for the purpose of the martyrs production, denounced as a subversion will drive the experienced redundancy as reproduction machines and the humiliation of the enemy from projective.
The anti-Semitic frenzy as a false escape from the fatal pain is the death oath, not with the rule, which guarantees the new company's ability, but it threatens to suspend at any moment to break, while the escape from the autochthonous despotism with the identity-nothing in fateful circumstances in which man is an abandoned and contemptible creature, threatening. That subversive moment in which the non-identity of the individual with the wrong whole extradite and the tortured body groans desperate for solidarity, to propose, as always: in the viciousness of that than unsittsam 'denounced women or gay dissidents for the community, the torments them but to sacrifice their own bodies. is not
Ranya, the only prisoner to their misery, organized in one of the Palestinian gangs and, consequently, of their fellow prisoners as "agent of the Jews shunned suggests, as the subject of their foiled attack on Israeli border guards to escape from the violence in the family . But this solidarity with courage the truth is not rewarded. And so it perpetuates their suffering after his release from prison, desperately calculating, through a renewed attack on Israeli soldiers.
a materialist intervention against the organized solidarity betrayal here.
A leaflet-like criticism of the fetishism of sovereignty here.
One of solidarity with Palestinians is not anti-Semitic projection would rise up: a young blogger from the Palestinian National Authority by the managed Qalqiliya arrested for atheistic propaganda . Now threatens the apostates until his death, the incarceration. Even his mother calls for the punishment in order to bury the shame that she was burdened by the criticism of religion.
"Palestine - the people will set you free", has this not as a slogan of solidarity with the Palestinians is boasting anti-Zionism, only those from the German province , immortalized themselves programmatically. Is in need of anti-Zionism on the Palestinian soil, the regressive utopia of domination as reconciled, first nature of man, languishing as a copy of his people. The empirical Man, however, the anti-Zionism is just a trifle.
in anti-Semitism, such as geopolitical in its reproduction: the anti-Zionism is potentiated ideology and fetishism of social monad, which trumps the forced integration into the totality of the capital ratio by the empathy with the metaphysical Subtanz of domination. The people, that soul wax synthesis of social, living the atomized individual as the Made in rancid bacon. Sun denounced the hypocritical society mask solidarity to Israel, of which she is longing to free the rule: the "frenzy of abstraction," as the "young age" (27/06/2005) religious vocation in the Agitator Jöran Jermas speaks. Domination is natural way, our destiny, but Israel is a "state of the Tube" ("JW", 4/24/2002), a "virtual state" (J. Jermas), an integration unwilling, "colonial foreign body" (Norman Paech, MP aD) - a truly, structures' fetishistic infatuation.
solidarity, betrayal and reconciliation of the irreconcilable
It is the misfortune of those people who are as 'Palestinian people' of the anti-Semitic projection made manageable, as a heroic, sacrificial against people on the anti-rule of the Jewish state to serve. While
of the Intifada were verhäuft Palestinian gays as "collaborators" denounced and murdered. Sexual dissidence and apply it to reproduce neither willing nor capable of pleasure as internal hostility to the martyrs company people. Moreover, tried competing racquets, allegedly gay men and women with poor reputation for modesty in the suicide bombing recruit. That this is especially for young women was documented by the Israeli director Natalie Assouline, who spoke with incarcerated women martyrs .
One of the women spoke to the Assouline longs to blow up their bodies in an Israeli hospital in the air in which they previously because of severe skin burns, was in debt serviced by the domestic exploitation. The fire scars Stigmata eternal pain, the Israeli doctor who could not heal their wounds, to overcome their own suffering in the murder of those who tried to help. Martyrdom is broken in the disappearance of their own bodily nature, but only finds meaning in the suffering of murder of the Jews by the projective elimination of any non-identity with the forced collective. The Jihadistinnen who are subscribed to the people on biological reproduction and their female sensuality, as far as this goes beyond the socially significant aphrodisiac for the purpose of the martyrs production, denounced as a subversion will drive the experienced redundancy as reproduction machines and the humiliation of the enemy from projective.
The anti-Semitic frenzy as a false escape from the fatal pain is the death oath, not with the rule, which guarantees the new company's ability, but it threatens to suspend at any moment to break, while the escape from the autochthonous despotism with the identity-nothing in fateful circumstances in which man is an abandoned and contemptible creature, threatening. That subversive moment in which the non-identity of the individual with the wrong whole extradite and the tortured body groans desperate for solidarity, to propose, as always: in the viciousness of that than unsittsam 'denounced women or gay dissidents for the community, the torments them but to sacrifice their own bodies. is not
Ranya, the only prisoner to their misery, organized in one of the Palestinian gangs and, consequently, of their fellow prisoners as "agent of the Jews shunned suggests, as the subject of their foiled attack on Israeli border guards to escape from the violence in the family . But this solidarity with courage the truth is not rewarded. And so it perpetuates their suffering after his release from prison, desperately calculating, through a renewed attack on Israeli soldiers.
a materialist intervention against the organized solidarity betrayal here.
A leaflet-like criticism of the fetishism of sovereignty here.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Phlegm High Pitch Cough
Imminent executions in Iran
Zeinab, Hossein regime and other enemies threatened because of "enemies of God" ("at enmity with God") early execution. The threat of murder keep a bloody tradition of the regime : in the late 1980s, thousands of apostates and enemies of the (state) Islam have been murdered, speaks "Amnesty International" up to 10,000 and 12,000 Nasser Mohajer executed only between August 1988 and February 1989.

Zeinab, Hossein regime and other enemies threatened because of "enemies of God" ("at enmity with God") early execution. The threat of murder keep a bloody tradition of the regime : in the late 1980s, thousands of apostates and enemies of the (state) Islam have been murdered, speaks "Amnesty International" up to 10,000 and 12,000 Nasser Mohajer executed only between August 1988 and February 1989.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Whats The Song Jordan Sparks Sings
Romy-novel "end of a night": dream vision of the end of a diva
The actress went million people under the skin - because she was much more than just one, albeit fine, screen beauty full of expression. Romy Schneider on 23 September would have been 70 years old, embodied a piece of current affairs. As "Sissy" symbol of a lost Nazi war and terror gone, but again awaited collective innocence, they formulated later ("The Things of Life", 1970) in their French years, directors such as Claude Sautet, social change and female emancipation movement.
superimposed It is probably also in their own feelings, life and work of these transmissions, which was fortunate few and in the early hours of Whit Saturday 1982 health, emotionally and financially ruined in a chair sitting in Paris, died.
seem obvious on the occasion of the birthday of the memorable new biographies, such as by Jürgen Trimborn ("Romy and her family," Droemer-Verlag) and Günter Krenn ("Romy Schneider. The biography," Aufbau-Verlag). Olaf Kraemer short novel "end of a night - the final hours of Romy Schneider" (Blumenbar-Verlag, Munich) are you allowed to include this: The book of 49 years Munich documentary filmmaker and author (". High Times My wild life" of Uschi Obermaier , 2007 fell) from the mélange Facts and fiction that it offers no new information, but the phenomenon Romy full of empathy in the form of a dream-vision tracking. The well-read, atmosphere containing work may be understood as an act of love the author - for old and new fans of Schneider but not as a duty but as a pure freestyle.
The narrator relates his story to the fact that the actress wanted to write to save their economic situation for a large German publishing her memoirs: In her last night he described them as aged, unhappy woman, who through their memories of the struggle of life or Once received, like Munch Hausen will pull itself out of the swamp. In the quiet of the apartment where she's come across with her young lover Laurent and her young daughter, Sarah, and on the deserted streets of his city it intends to their films and husbands, their parents and the girls' boarding school, Nazism and the economic miracle, Alain Delon and their dead son David. We experienced a profound loneliness that has struggled all his life for recognition and attention.
herself, she could not feel it. In the end she does not even recognize the pharmacist, whose drug addicts to the relief. A tramp under the bridges does not want their coins. The reader feels that he, despite a facade of clichés of the inner truth of life der Romy Schneider nahe gekommen sein könnte.
The actress went million people under the skin - because she was much more than just one, albeit fine, screen beauty full of expression. Romy Schneider on 23 September would have been 70 years old, embodied a piece of current affairs. As "Sissy" symbol of a lost Nazi war and terror gone, but again awaited collective innocence, they formulated later ("The Things of Life", 1970) in their French years, directors such as Claude Sautet, social change and female emancipation movement.
superimposed It is probably also in their own feelings, life and work of these transmissions, which was fortunate few and in the early hours of Whit Saturday 1982 health, emotionally and financially ruined in a chair sitting in Paris, died.
seem obvious on the occasion of the birthday of the memorable new biographies, such as by Jürgen Trimborn ("Romy and her family," Droemer-Verlag) and Günter Krenn ("Romy Schneider. The biography," Aufbau-Verlag). Olaf Kraemer short novel "end of a night - the final hours of Romy Schneider" (Blumenbar-Verlag, Munich) are you allowed to include this: The book of 49 years Munich documentary filmmaker and author (". High Times My wild life" of Uschi Obermaier , 2007 fell) from the mélange Facts and fiction that it offers no new information, but the phenomenon Romy full of empathy in the form of a dream-vision tracking. The well-read, atmosphere containing work may be understood as an act of love the author - for old and new fans of Schneider but not as a duty but as a pure freestyle.
The narrator relates his story to the fact that the actress wanted to write to save their economic situation for a large German publishing her memoirs: In her last night he described them as aged, unhappy woman, who through their memories of the struggle of life or Once received, like Munch Hausen will pull itself out of the swamp. In the quiet of the apartment where she's come across with her young lover Laurent and her young daughter, Sarah, and on the deserted streets of his city it intends to their films and husbands, their parents and the girls' boarding school, Nazism and the economic miracle, Alain Delon and their dead son David. We experienced a profound loneliness that has struggled all his life for recognition and attention.
herself, she could not feel it. In the end she does not even recognize the pharmacist, whose drug addicts to the relief. A tramp under the bridges does not want their coins. The reader feels that he, despite a facade of clichés of the inner truth of life der Romy Schneider nahe gekommen sein könnte.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ash And Misty Make Doujinshi
BLICKFANG 2010 in Vienna MAK 15, 16 and 17 October
For the seventh year was the setting for designers in Vienna, more precisely, the MAK - Museum of applied art instead. Structured like a mini - Viennafair met including Austrian, German Hungarian and sizes of furniture to fashion design. Prince and I were, of course you live! € admission was eight, I thought, a fair price, so we packed for about three hours with magazines, tea, and much more, the MAK Info material left again.
Here is my small collection:
1983, employs Mark is with furniture and commercial construction in metal, wood and other materials to their own designs or customer.
to this great state could be assembled from nearly 100 different natural scents his own perfume or Perfumeöl. Blend Your Scent attaches great importance to ensuring that their products are organic, natural and unweltbewusst. He explained how the scent produced "Honey" and "cocoa" and how to produce the effect, through the large unit (behind him) a Perfume. The whole cost from 19 euros and though from Germany, they try not only in their home country to open a shop, but also here in Vienna. I very much hope that they manage so I for every occasion my own personal scent can be mixed together.
Amazing Wallpaper designs and now also scarves and an impressive portfolio of clients homes that use its designs, showed us Zeitlberger Thomas. I asked him if his walls are full at home with his designs. He shook his head. "When I'm done with something, you have it out at my house all the walls white and hang it almost no pictures I need the emptiness, to not stay put and find new inspiration.." Unlike at:
For the seventh year was the setting for designers in Vienna, more precisely, the MAK - Museum of applied art instead. Structured like a mini - Viennafair met including Austrian, German Hungarian and sizes of furniture to fashion design. Prince and I were, of course you live! € admission was eight, I thought, a fair price, so we packed for about three hours with magazines, tea, and much more, the MAK Info material left again.
Here is my small collection:
Nina Levett in 2004 had a bad breakup and decided her experience in art design and install. The story of her wallpaper is this: The husband leaves the house, allegedly to go to work. Instead, he goes to a whore. His wife trusts him, waiting silently at home. Nina explained that she the woman as a quiet object, is as home accessory
1983, employs Mark is with furniture and commercial construction in metal, wood and other materials to their own designs or customer.
Kumi Noa
cup light -. Martin Neuhaus
laughing and proud Neuhaus Martin took the cup down and said simply "I made a light with just a mug's is the perfect projection and looks really cool. "
We could hardly disagree!
Thomas Zeitlberger (Picture - Copyright by Thomas Zeitlberger)
Amazing Wallpaper designs and now also scarves and an impressive portfolio of clients homes that use its designs, showed us Zeitlberger Thomas. I asked him if his walls are full at home with his designs. He shook his head. "When I'm done with something, you have it out at my house all the walls white and hang it almost no pictures I need the emptiness, to not stay put and find new inspiration.." Unlike at:
The Munich Jakob Hentze, who has completed his studies at the University of Applied Arts in 1999, hanging in his apartment at least 50 of these creative "lamp light". And frankly, such a room looks full of different lights also insanely great:
The team is committed to providing the milk rings made in implementing any kind of design - rings, necklaces or even a dress. I'm glad someone finally a use found for the plastic things.
Helen Steiner polyp
The winner of the competition BLICKFANG students studying product design at the Bauhaus University Weimar. ..
"polyp is a laundry basket and a wall ornament, the laundry is filled by simply opening the front of the basket swells the laundry front out, the basket is full -. The crowd is just one wash load, the opening of the laundry basket is concave, therefore I can not lose weight the basket of laundry fall out. The basket is easy to carry thanks to its indentation. In several baskets of the laundry may be easily sorted, and if they hang on the wall, there is an intrinsically interdisciplinary, interesting ornament. "
Moor & Moor beds (photos used Copyright by Moor & Moor)
It all started with the fact that Andreas Mohr as a student a bed needed. He ordered a mattress, which was delivered on Euro pallets. He opted out of the mattress and € to tinker the pallets a bed. We were also said that in established 2000 Dornbirn at the autumn fair for her sake a "mini-sex scandal" broke out: Here is the Zeitungsartike l . But as so often in sex scandals, it was in effect, publicity for the perfect start-up companies, for now they are there already for 10 years and although they continue to evolve and has already designed new models, there is the Euro pallet bed called "Front Door Fuck" is still on the market.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sample Letter Proof Residency From Landlord
Eight Miles High (The Wild Life)
Kommune-ity theatrics
In the midst of the ongoing cinematic craze for Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll nostalgia comes "Eight Miles High," the perfect midnight stoner flick — just don't see it straight at 8:00.
Smell that? No, it's not 'teen spirit,' it's a nostalgic whiff of that old time sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll and it's emanating from big screens and small in the form of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll biopics — whether N.Y. '90's retro-style ("The Wackness"), '70's L.A. punk ("What We Do is Secret"/The Germs), or the original '60's flavor ("Across the Universe"/The Beatles, "I'm Not Here"/Bob Dylan, and "Factory Girl"/Edie Sedgwick).
Moreover, this particular nostalgia craze isn't merely an American phenom. It's also part of the International Zeitgeist, with European directors looking back at their own revolutionary youth (Bertolucci's lyrical "The Dreamers" and Philippe Garrel's darker response, "Les Amants RŽguliers"), while resurrecting such home grown hippie-dippie icons as Uschi Obermaier, Bavaria's wild child and favorite cover girl of the '60s and '70s.
America's Edie was a princess running away from wealth and privilege, while Uschi was escaping the stultifying world of the German bourgeoisie. They were two more of those '60s femme superstars who sported only double-syllable first names, a la Twiggy and Viva. Both Edie and Uschi first gained notoriety as fashion goddesses, then each got caught up in the prevalent drug culture — the former at Andy Warhol's famed Factory and the latter at Berlin's equally notorious Kommune 1.
But while Edie's 15 minutes of fame ended quickly — after many failed attempts at rehab; she died of an overdose at the tender age of 28 — Uschi is still going strong at 61. Infamous for posing nude, she followed her own hedonistic star from the once radical Kommune 1 (more about free love than freeing political prisoners in its second or Uschi phase) to her status as an uber groupie of such Rock Gods as Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards, and Mick Jagger.
Then she suddenly left all that glitz and glamour behind and spent 10 years (1973-83) traveling the world in her very own 'Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby,' a custom super-bus designed by her husband Dieter Bockhorn. It was just the two of them (most of the time) having sex and doing drugs. When he was killed in a 1983 motorcycle accident she really dropped off the grid according to her successful 1994 auto-biography, "Das Wilde Leben."
That title actually translates as "The Wild Life," although the Byrds's classic (not heard on the film's soundtrack) certainly does describe her life up to that point. Judging from photos snapped at last year's German premiere, a fully clothed Uschi still looks damned fine at 60 plus, standing next to Natalia Avelon, her luscious if decades-younger on-screen alter-ego,
Hard to believe she's the same age as Marianne Faithful, who once shared not only her beauty and drug habits but at least one of her boyfriends! And ironically, Faithful also penned a 1994 bio that may also be turned into a film.
The camera loves Avelon as much as it loved Uschi and she's totally convincing as a beautiful but spoiled, minimally talented, self-absorbed sex and drug addict.
Ah yes, film... Well, the time has come, to paraphrase the walrus, to finally talk about the film itself however much I would rather talk of sealing wax. Despite being a very colorful soft-core flick, filled with lots of naked Uschi/Natalia, simulated blow jobs, gorgeous period clothes and a first class Indian (East) wedding replete with elephants plus great cinematography and a mediocre soundtrack (excluding the Doobie Brothers's "Long Train Runnin," the Stooges's "T.V. Eye," and the Avelon/Ville Valo cover of "Summer Wine"), "Eight Miles High," is ultimately empty. Beyond the earnest performances of its three main characters, valiantly if vapidly directed by Achim Bornhak, there's just no there there.
Uschi is quick to let us know that politics bore her. She prefers to sleep through that part of life in the Kommune, the better to enjoy the sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll part. So when the others chide her for wearing makeup to a demonstration it's inevitable that it will be her photo splashed across the front pages of every German paper.
Avelon as Uschi (who actually resembled Gia, another of Francesco Scavullo's drugged-out fashion faves) has Angelina's bee-stung lips and the sensuous face and figure of a young Bardot. The camera loves Avelon as much as it loved Uschi and she's totally convincing as a beautiful but spoiled, minimally talented, self-absorbed sex and drug addict. But doing her own thing by doing heroin is not enough to make Uschi a heroine.
The film just ends in 1983 so here's a quick update: except for Hendrix (not shown in the film) and her late husband, most of her many paramoors are still around. One-time Kommunard leader Rainer Langhans (with whom the real Uschi appeared on German TV last year to promote this film), is played by young German matinee idol Matthias Schweighoefer as a petulant wooly-headed free love advocate — providing the free love is with him. (The real Langhans currently lives with a harem ranging from three and five women.)
Producer Junkersdorf honestly seems to believe that this film has relevance and that Uschi was some kind of symbol of Women's lib. It doesn't and she wasn't.
The most exciting performance however comes from David Scheller, a Vincent Gallo type, with a pair of electric baby blues set in a face full of cheekbones. He's mesmerizing as Bockhorn, the drug-dealing, chimp-loving pimp and petty criminal, who gives up his beloved monkey for Uschi (greater love, etc.). The less said about the unintentionally comic "SNL"-like impressions of Jagger and Richards the better.
35 years ago the film's producer, Eberhard Junkersdorf, was responsible for "The Tin Drum" and "The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum." Sad to say, he honestly seems to believe that this film, a big box office hit last year in Germany, has relevance and that Uschi was some kind of symbol of Women's lib. It doesn't and she wasn't.
"Eight Miles High" is, however, a perfect midnight stoner flick. Just don't try seeing it straight at 8:00.
Kommune-ity theatrics
In the midst of the ongoing cinematic craze for Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll nostalgia comes "Eight Miles High," the perfect midnight stoner flick — just don't see it straight at 8:00.
Smell that? No, it's not 'teen spirit,' it's a nostalgic whiff of that old time sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll and it's emanating from big screens and small in the form of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll biopics — whether N.Y. '90's retro-style ("The Wackness"), '70's L.A. punk ("What We Do is Secret"/The Germs), or the original '60's flavor ("Across the Universe"/The Beatles, "I'm Not Here"/Bob Dylan, and "Factory Girl"/Edie Sedgwick).
Moreover, this particular nostalgia craze isn't merely an American phenom. It's also part of the International Zeitgeist, with European directors looking back at their own revolutionary youth (Bertolucci's lyrical "The Dreamers" and Philippe Garrel's darker response, "Les Amants RŽguliers"), while resurrecting such home grown hippie-dippie icons as Uschi Obermaier, Bavaria's wild child and favorite cover girl of the '60s and '70s.
America's Edie was a princess running away from wealth and privilege, while Uschi was escaping the stultifying world of the German bourgeoisie. They were two more of those '60s femme superstars who sported only double-syllable first names, a la Twiggy and Viva. Both Edie and Uschi first gained notoriety as fashion goddesses, then each got caught up in the prevalent drug culture — the former at Andy Warhol's famed Factory and the latter at Berlin's equally notorious Kommune 1.
But while Edie's 15 minutes of fame ended quickly — after many failed attempts at rehab; she died of an overdose at the tender age of 28 — Uschi is still going strong at 61. Infamous for posing nude, she followed her own hedonistic star from the once radical Kommune 1 (more about free love than freeing political prisoners in its second or Uschi phase) to her status as an uber groupie of such Rock Gods as Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards, and Mick Jagger.
Then she suddenly left all that glitz and glamour behind and spent 10 years (1973-83) traveling the world in her very own 'Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby,' a custom super-bus designed by her husband Dieter Bockhorn. It was just the two of them (most of the time) having sex and doing drugs. When he was killed in a 1983 motorcycle accident she really dropped off the grid according to her successful 1994 auto-biography, "Das Wilde Leben."
That title actually translates as "The Wild Life," although the Byrds's classic (not heard on the film's soundtrack) certainly does describe her life up to that point. Judging from photos snapped at last year's German premiere, a fully clothed Uschi still looks damned fine at 60 plus, standing next to Natalia Avelon, her luscious if decades-younger on-screen alter-ego,
Hard to believe she's the same age as Marianne Faithful, who once shared not only her beauty and drug habits but at least one of her boyfriends! And ironically, Faithful also penned a 1994 bio that may also be turned into a film.
The camera loves Avelon as much as it loved Uschi and she's totally convincing as a beautiful but spoiled, minimally talented, self-absorbed sex and drug addict.
Ah yes, film... Well, the time has come, to paraphrase the walrus, to finally talk about the film itself however much I would rather talk of sealing wax. Despite being a very colorful soft-core flick, filled with lots of naked Uschi/Natalia, simulated blow jobs, gorgeous period clothes and a first class Indian (East) wedding replete with elephants plus great cinematography and a mediocre soundtrack (excluding the Doobie Brothers's "Long Train Runnin," the Stooges's "T.V. Eye," and the Avelon/Ville Valo cover of "Summer Wine"), "Eight Miles High," is ultimately empty. Beyond the earnest performances of its three main characters, valiantly if vapidly directed by Achim Bornhak, there's just no there there.
Uschi is quick to let us know that politics bore her. She prefers to sleep through that part of life in the Kommune, the better to enjoy the sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll part. So when the others chide her for wearing makeup to a demonstration it's inevitable that it will be her photo splashed across the front pages of every German paper.
Avelon as Uschi (who actually resembled Gia, another of Francesco Scavullo's drugged-out fashion faves) has Angelina's bee-stung lips and the sensuous face and figure of a young Bardot. The camera loves Avelon as much as it loved Uschi and she's totally convincing as a beautiful but spoiled, minimally talented, self-absorbed sex and drug addict. But doing her own thing by doing heroin is not enough to make Uschi a heroine.
The film just ends in 1983 so here's a quick update: except for Hendrix (not shown in the film) and her late husband, most of her many paramoors are still around. One-time Kommunard leader Rainer Langhans (with whom the real Uschi appeared on German TV last year to promote this film), is played by young German matinee idol Matthias Schweighoefer as a petulant wooly-headed free love advocate — providing the free love is with him. (The real Langhans currently lives with a harem ranging from three and five women.)
Producer Junkersdorf honestly seems to believe that this film has relevance and that Uschi was some kind of symbol of Women's lib. It doesn't and she wasn't.
The most exciting performance however comes from David Scheller, a Vincent Gallo type, with a pair of electric baby blues set in a face full of cheekbones. He's mesmerizing as Bockhorn, the drug-dealing, chimp-loving pimp and petty criminal, who gives up his beloved monkey for Uschi (greater love, etc.). The less said about the unintentionally comic "SNL"-like impressions of Jagger and Richards the better.
35 years ago the film's producer, Eberhard Junkersdorf, was responsible for "The Tin Drum" and "The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum." Sad to say, he honestly seems to believe that this film, a big box office hit last year in Germany, has relevance and that Uschi was some kind of symbol of Women's lib. It doesn't and she wasn't.
"Eight Miles High" is, however, a perfect midnight stoner flick. Just don't try seeing it straight at 8:00.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Everyday Minerals Fair Swatch
Art In The City - The Vienna Art Podcast
Art In The City is a project that was initiated by 9 young people (me included!) A year ago to life. The goal is the Viennese art scene with the camera capture and is aimed at anyone interested in art. Every 14 days a new episode will appear with two contributions that we have carefully selected.
After a year of brainstorming, organizing and planning is on Monday 18 October 2010 The first podcast of the nature shown in the City.
If you own a gallery or the like, an artist or creative artists are and feel like you give us an interview or to invite us to an event Maile us on mail @ artinthecity. AT.
Pollyanna-ish is available now linked to the homepage of Art In The City and of course, I will continue to report on everything I see and hear.
Become a fan on Facebook:
Art In The City is a project that was initiated by 9 young people (me included!) A year ago to life. The goal is the Viennese art scene with the camera capture and is aimed at anyone interested in art. Every 14 days a new episode will appear with two contributions that we have carefully selected.
After a year of brainstorming, organizing and planning is on Monday 18 October 2010 The first podcast of the nature shown in the City.
Until then: Here is our Teaser!
If you own a gallery or the like, an artist or creative artists are and feel like you give us an interview or to invite us to an event Maile us on mail @ artinthecity. AT.
Pollyanna-ish is available now linked to the homepage of Art In The City and of course, I will continue to report on everything I see and hear.
Become a fan on Facebook:
Friday, September 24, 2010
What Is Quadriderm For?
antiziganism against anyone, no deportations in Kosovo. The prison
On 14 April 2010 have the German and the Kosovo interior minister a deportation pact in which the Republic of Kosovo is committed to take a year to 2,500 by German authorities as superfluous valued people ratified. Some 14,000 people, including native-born children of refugees are currently obliged to leave for Kosovo. 541 of them have already been deported last year (details here ). This concerns above all more than 10,000 came from the Kosovo Roma in the late 1990 `ren by nationalist Kosovo Liberation Army militia were forced to flee. Those who stood in Kosovo, the UNHCR in emergency camps contaminated by lead, cadmium and mercury, industrial dumps quartered. To this day they live in constant fear of pogroms in such demarcated by the Albanian population miserable camps.
state, nation and antiziganism
The ethnic nation such as the German is identical to that population of people who succeed, a resting in the natural relationship between itself and the metaphysical form of the state: authenticate to the people. If a nation and for those reveals that apply because of lack of autochthonous not first as equals, then only selectively: So for those who manage well, to guarantee the national production community a productive function. So the decision to deport a fundamentally racist about the value of people to the state capital.
The decision of the State concerning the inefficiency of a man is not alone with the individual deal, from pure calculus on the recoverability of the living thing made, prevails when a collective resentment. The antiziganistische terrorist crimes was the founding of the Kosovo nation. But had the Germans the hatred of absolutely unnecessary denounced Roma refugees in the cement national reconciliation incorporated. After the production of capital community had ballooned to sixteen million indigenous functionaries of self-recovery, found the self ethnifying capital atoms "a Haßobjekt" that promised them the opportunity to project into the crisis in the capital socialization is betraying redundancy and "their racism against credible to transform itself lie in self-defense: the Sinti and Roma "(Joachim Bruhn, with" concrete "10/1992). "Der Spiegel" stilled the national feeling, those barbaric anti-Nation have found the civilized German nation, whose anti-German barbarism had to defend themselves: "Dünkelhäutigen", the "begging in the streets" vagabond to persevere rather than on the conveyor belt, they, the "Roma and Sinti", "bully" the national unity (in: Der Spiegel, 07/09/1992). The "conscience of his nation," Helmut Schmidt lied to the antiziganistischen pogrom in Rostock-Lichtenhagen in self-defense: Get out of his country a "melting pot", "degenerate" it and when the anger busy themselves, like "on de facto forty percent unemployment "superfluous among the Germans, breaking through the frustration and ends in violence "(in:" FR ", 9/12/1992). And the then interior minister of Berlin, Dieter Heckel man protested that have become in Rostock-Lichtenhagen not the national obsession with cleanliness, but the "justifiable anger" about the alleged organized asylum fraud of the Roma refugees themselves (quoted in "Time", 6.10 .1992). A month after the pogrom in Ross-Tock Lichtenhagen urged the German policy, the Romanian government to commit to the mob terrorized the Roma refugees receive. French Jews, who on 19 October 1992 in Rostock their solidarity with the Roma refugees were in German police beat and detained .
The deportation of refugees from pogroms people already scandalous enough. The fact that people are affected, where, to the national shift area subscribed to a host community cupping border, pathogenic collectivism is projected (see the BZ campaign against "beggar-Roma ), the scandal can be a specifically German.
In Memory of the Victims of Porajmos . Against any antiziganism - in Poland, Hungary , Czech Republic, Italy , Germany. Against the Europe of the autochthonous.
One, though some helpless, petition of "Pro Asyl" found here , another campaign against the deportation here and updated information here.
On 14 April 2010 have the German and the Kosovo interior minister a deportation pact in which the Republic of Kosovo is committed to take a year to 2,500 by German authorities as superfluous valued people ratified. Some 14,000 people, including native-born children of refugees are currently obliged to leave for Kosovo. 541 of them have already been deported last year (details here ). This concerns above all more than 10,000 came from the Kosovo Roma in the late 1990 `ren by nationalist Kosovo Liberation Army militia were forced to flee. Those who stood in Kosovo, the UNHCR in emergency camps contaminated by lead, cadmium and mercury, industrial dumps quartered. To this day they live in constant fear of pogroms in such demarcated by the Albanian population miserable camps.
state, nation and antiziganism
The ethnic nation such as the German is identical to that population of people who succeed, a resting in the natural relationship between itself and the metaphysical form of the state: authenticate to the people. If a nation and for those reveals that apply because of lack of autochthonous not first as equals, then only selectively: So for those who manage well, to guarantee the national production community a productive function. So the decision to deport a fundamentally racist about the value of people to the state capital.
The decision of the State concerning the inefficiency of a man is not alone with the individual deal, from pure calculus on the recoverability of the living thing made, prevails when a collective resentment. The antiziganistische terrorist crimes was the founding of the Kosovo nation. But had the Germans the hatred of absolutely unnecessary denounced Roma refugees in the cement national reconciliation incorporated. After the production of capital community had ballooned to sixteen million indigenous functionaries of self-recovery, found the self ethnifying capital atoms "a Haßobjekt" that promised them the opportunity to project into the crisis in the capital socialization is betraying redundancy and "their racism against credible to transform itself lie in self-defense: the Sinti and Roma "(Joachim Bruhn, with" concrete "10/1992). "Der Spiegel" stilled the national feeling, those barbaric anti-Nation have found the civilized German nation, whose anti-German barbarism had to defend themselves: "Dünkelhäutigen", the "begging in the streets" vagabond to persevere rather than on the conveyor belt, they, the "Roma and Sinti", "bully" the national unity (in: Der Spiegel, 07/09/1992). The "conscience of his nation," Helmut Schmidt lied to the antiziganistischen pogrom in Rostock-Lichtenhagen in self-defense: Get out of his country a "melting pot", "degenerate" it and when the anger busy themselves, like "on de facto forty percent unemployment "superfluous among the Germans, breaking through the frustration and ends in violence "(in:" FR ", 9/12/1992). And the then interior minister of Berlin, Dieter Heckel man protested that have become in Rostock-Lichtenhagen not the national obsession with cleanliness, but the "justifiable anger" about the alleged organized asylum fraud of the Roma refugees themselves (quoted in "Time", 6.10 .1992). A month after the pogrom in Ross-Tock Lichtenhagen urged the German policy, the Romanian government to commit to the mob terrorized the Roma refugees receive. French Jews, who on 19 October 1992 in Rostock their solidarity with the Roma refugees were in German police beat and detained .
The deportation of refugees from pogroms people already scandalous enough. The fact that people are affected, where, to the national shift area subscribed to a host community cupping border, pathogenic collectivism is projected (see the BZ campaign against "beggar-Roma ), the scandal can be a specifically German.
In Memory of the Victims of Porajmos . Against any antiziganism - in Poland, Hungary , Czech Republic, Italy , Germany. Against the Europe of the autochthonous.
One, though some helpless, petition of "Pro Asyl" found here , another campaign against the deportation here and updated information here.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Kate Playground Hooked On You
Inside (s) Out
Homepage ; Finally the day came on which had the hard work paid off: Since I both artist Alexandra Thompson assisting Vienna as well Romana Dorant with photo work I was doing twice the work and for pleasure and double that the opening on 10 September was such a success!
of 19 to 23 Clock was a full house, people enjoyed themselves, loved the exhibited photographs and stayed until it was nothing more to say.
All in all, a wonderfully harmonious evening with great audience - thank you!
The exhibition runs until 1 October in Vienna FotoWerk.

Homepage ; Finally the day came on which had the hard work paid off: Since I both artist Alexandra Thompson assisting Vienna as well Romana Dorant with photo work I was doing twice the work and for pleasure and double that the opening on 10 September was such a success!
of 19 to 23 Clock was a full house, people enjoyed themselves, loved the exhibited photographs and stayed until it was nothing more to say.
Photo copyright Romana Dorant Cherry Pop
Photo copyright Romana Dorant
Even my technical team from the Art in the City was there to set the mood to film and interview by Alex Thompson (you looking forward to the official launch of Art in the City in October!). star of the evening was this portrait:
Romana Dorant (left) and Alexandra Thompson Photografin
The exhibition runs until 1 October in Vienna FotoWerk.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
For Sale Cb 550 Honda
Road Trip to Hungary for a day
Early in the morning we went with A. Mamasita to Hungary to frame the last three pictures of the upcoming exhibition in Vienna FotoWerk. Our goal : Horváth & Lukács és Galéria Nagycenk Sopron.
The small white blue painted houses along the way is filled with not only pictures frames in all sizes, colors, materials and an incredible service with additional coffee break area, but also with art. If you know it, you can go to the second floor up and look at the loft, which is cluttered with all kinds of art - watercolor, oil painting, pencil drawings, postcards, .. .
The friendly staff that we brought to us to us to inquire about prices apologize for the chaos and said paint from them and build. Later, I Mamasita said, however, that it looks for years so and somehow we had liked it aside works of art from the ground and turn around or stacked under all browse through one after the other, we would have to hours dealing with this little treasure, and now hope that they the attic "clean up" never.
collects the owner of the business of art (the Most of Hungarian artists, Sopron even from himself), bought the pictures and makes them available only to the attic and sells it, if anyone is interested to present without the help of the whole findable or professional. The art speaks for itself anyway, the most expensive in the pictures is how otherwise to take in a picture frame shop, frame, and not the image itself - real silver, real gold, antique pieces, ... But the clerk brought it with her accent-free German well not quite to the point: "Today is better invest in images than in the bank, because art never loses its value ."
Here's my favorite picture for around 70,000 forints, the equivalent of just under 245 euros:
Kovacs, Gombos Gabon with "A REGI kertben" , which translated means something like "old garden"
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Buy Used Paragliding Harness
Freed Mansoor and his associates, the disobedient and rebellious women that prisoners of the virtue terrorism and , enemies of God '.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Gpsphone Cheats Pokemon Emerald No Computer
Inside (s) Out Opening
So, the summer is over and block the galleries, and eventually all again, Museums plan their upcoming shows - the old is taken from the walls and displaced in are fresh and new.
On this occasion I would like to announce that photographer Alex Thompson (VIE / NYC) issue again this year. On 10 September, she shows for the first time in their (dance) although in the photo portraits and works in the 7th Vienna District. Intimate photographs, so were never presented to the public.
Click here for the official press release .
The exhibition runs until 1 October. Free admission! Everyone welcome!
Alexandra Thompson on Facebook
FotoWerk wien
So, the summer is over and block the galleries, and eventually all again, Museums plan their upcoming shows - the old is taken from the walls and displaced in are fresh and new.
On this occasion I would like to announce that photographer Alex Thompson (VIE / NYC) issue again this year. On 10 September, she shows for the first time in their (dance) although in the photo portraits and works in the 7th Vienna District. Intimate photographs, so were never presented to the public.
The exhibition runs until 1 October. Free admission! Everyone welcome!
Alexandra Thompson on Facebook
FotoWerk wien
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Big Blister On Dogs Keg
"Young World", the German-European anti-imperialism and the Islamic Republic of Iran
In the "young world" of 2 September 2005, Werner Pirker characterized the regional policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is still "a expansionist, on the subordination Iraq's goal appearing in Iranian dominance concept. "participating, the Islamist regime" in the destruction of Iraqi sovereignty, "it neutralized through agencies in Iraq," the Shiite resistance "and prevent" the formation of a national united front against the foreign domination. "
In Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran has thus sinned - not because they are in the 1980 `ren en masse to the martyrdom of subscribed children as human mine neutralizer to the Iranian-Iraqi front forced. For such an organized child murder, the anti-imperialist sovereignty fetish has never interested - Either in Gaza still in Khorramshahr. The Islamic Republic of Iran had sabotaged the national sovereignty of the Iraqi Ba `ath regime, herein lay their guilt. "Saddam must remain," Werner Pirker had demanded furiously ("Junge Welt", 03.19.2003) - but he did not. By his death he had been "made a martyr," the "Anti-imperialist Coordination", something like the Vienna Folk Society Pirker "in the face of death he stood for the unwavering and uncompromising hostility to the imperial arrogance (...)". Saddam Hussein this Iraqi Bismarck and upgraded by German poison gas killer was, "not only a partisan, but a statesman, "the Viennese anti-imperialists (30.12.06), by the " were confirmed by Iraqi Patriotic Alliance , the ba `athistischen favorite anti-imperialist complicity, a premonition: the Verstickung the Iranian regime's arrest and murder of Saddam Hussein. The Iranian agents had - as they often would do - disguised in uniforms of the Peshmerga. Previously, Wilhelm Langthaler, agitator "Anti-imperialist Coordination," Iraqi communists, the complicity with Islamist cutthroats, and `ba dared to criticize this table killers in the anti-imperialist Fanzine "Intifada" (11/04) chalked that they are "in terms of their political tradition and culture, through and through Persian", meaning they pay homage to the "secularism of the Persian intelligentsia" are so far from the indigenous people.
It loomed so only evil from Iran: Communist agents of a strange "secular fetishism" that mask just as Iraqis, but are not; murderer in Saddam Peshmerga uniforms, etc. pp.
But as the tables this ba `Iraq" brought about its existence as a sovereign state "was (" JW ", 16:12:05), so now threatened the Islamic Republic same fate. And in the "young world" we knew immediately why Islamist regime - will be outlawed - wrongly: "The denial of the Holocaust under German law, a criminal offense. This legal opinion has apparently made the imperialist power diplomacy to own "that threaten to war, says Werner Pirker (" JW ", 16:12:05). The imperialist Auschwitz club knew Pirker - few days after the anti-Israel Al-Quds rallies in Tehran, Beirut and Berlin - to respond, "anti-Zionism" aimed "not to the destruction of the Jewish existence in the reserves of Islamic peoples," but the destruction of a project that is founded on the rule of Siedlerkolonialisten of the Palestinian people. "(" JW ", 29/10/2005) The Jewish state is therefore somewhat artificial, not natural-like state, a project just based on the rule of Vagabonds of the incumbent People's reasons.
And however much of the harmful "Iranian influence on Iraq" in the neutralization of the Shiite resistance "resulted Werner Pirker dared to hope: For Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who came from the street," became president because it with the masses "Memories of the social to awaken ideals of justice and anti-imperialism of the Islamic revolution succeeded. Now he had "mobilized the power of the street" against the pragmatists cheesy ("JW", 10/29/2005). As has raved in the "young world" before the "Arab street", addressed to each of the collaborator will, as in the substrate active ba `athistische generals in the" young age "(18:04:04) allowed threatening suggested now the interest in the Iranian street on which trample the anti-Semitic regime incited constable on Israel flags and gay men and women from forced marriage to volatile by Germans produced cranes hang. Precisely the road should Pirker desires of the "Iranian have-nots", the Zionist snort attention to people's front against Israel, even ridicule - but more on that later.
the more violent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a hero of the anti-Semitic International projecting itself - the German League of Struggle national socialists "such as printed his brown shirts with the face of the Iranian President and the caption:" Two nations, an enemy "- the more the expressions of sympathy were in the "Young World" for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Then bowed the "young world" on the occasion All of the shot Islamic satellite "Omid" before the Iranian engineering (4:02:09) and enjoyed the proffered of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "criticism of Israel" on the anti-Zionist Congress of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland (22:04:09). But when in June of the past year, masses of people the regressive anti-imperialism of the Islamic Republic and its apologists threatened to disgrace, had worried about the "young world" closer than ever before, the reputation of a rule, the practice of virtue terrorism and the ideology of salvation - "The World Without Zionism" - the anti-Semitic International enthusiastic. The revolting masses of up to three million people in Tehran denounced Werner Pirker undeterred as "anti-social revolution" and noted offended "the counter-revolutionary revenge from the Islamic revolution as a process of emancipation of the lower classes" because "with the leaders of the have-nots" would probably "also the anti-imperialist component of the Iranian revolution disappear "(" JW ", 20:06:09) Rüdiger Göbel, another geopolitics of the" virtual world. "tried his memory:" I am the whole thing reminds of the color revolutions in Serbia, in the Ukraine and Georgia, sponsored by CIA, George Soros and friends. "(" JW ", 02.07.09) and Jürgen Cain Külbel moaned about the malicious destruction of state property and was revolted by the death resulting from an insidious attack on the Basij militia, who are the" provocateurs "only had resisted ("JW", 16./17.06.09).
little later invited the "young world" Berlin's ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to call. "His Excellency" Ali Reza Sheikh Attar, as provincial governor in the early 1980 `ren co-organizer of murder and torture, certified by the 'Young World' vaunted unity of the class Iranian population with the pious Brosamenwohlfahrtsregime: "85 percent of the population" had plebiszitartig the Islamic Republic "confirmed" ("JW", 11/07/09). After giving the nod of those anti-regime revolt as a state hostile coup was the "young world" do not have much further.
The last thing "His Excellency" to the "young world" consulted yet, "Who or what Israel is," fondling the mind of the anti-imperialist zealots that claim to know exactly what a nation state like the Islamic Republic and what Israel would be impossible. Werner Pirker sought already a valid definition of the Jewish anti-state and thus the true one, because natural-like state: "The State of Israel, the Palestinians can confirm this from bitter experience, is a real structure. And yet the artificiality of its existence is evident. He is a state from the retort "And again:". Israel was created as a nation state without a nation. But outside the religious imagination of a specifically Jewish identity can not be determined. But it is also a state of colonists. It is a highly motivated ideological state, the security of Jewish privileges brought to the top raison d'etat. "(" Junge Welt ", 24.04.2002). Where could be relied on not autochthonous, ie blood and land, the Zionist ideology, the eccentric Pirkersche critique of the state to denounce the lack of naturalness and thus forced the fetishization of power relations. The fact that Israel "were less of themselves" was scattered as by the mere will to survive of earlier cosmopolitan living Jews, rankles Pirker, who longed to the State as a primitive case of the indigenous population. The ideology of nature-like state by Israel-bashing Pirker reproduced in the "young world" of 15 June: Israel's "apartheid architecture" consists "only in the backup of white supremacy over the indigenous population, "Israel is a" state without a nation "and so on. On another occasion, denounced the "young world" the efforts of the Israeli government to defuse the anti-Israel incitement, as "sabotage as a program" (24.02.10) and called the Israeli policy is a "network of manipulators" (09.12.09). Or after the murder of a Jewish settler by the al-Aqsa Brigades: "The settlers have been killed after all experience is not innocent. Settlers are not civilians, but the vanguard of the Zionist expansion. "(" JW ", 28/12/09). The Jewish monster of a state appears here as a continuing mockery of authentic rule: sabotaging, manipulating, mocking the natural limits of liability.
It is less the fascination of Islam, which carried away the wicked "young world" to an apology for the Islamic Republic of Iran and cheer from a Armageddon "hedonists and self-sacrificing" suggests, it is the anti-Semitic delusions of natural-like rule, by the negated "test-tube state," Israel will on the Iranian gay murderer Republic but represents credible. In a Wilhelm Langthaler of the Anti-Imperialist Coordination "pamphlet published denounced Pirker that civilization Moment of the United States of America in which it aufscheint despite all existing racist delusion the unreal unity of humanity, at least: The "social type" of U.S. goods company, Pirker and Langthaler was formed by the constant immigration, that meant but "also always an individual rejection of collective efforts, the situation "in the abandoned local production community" to change ". The foundation of the U.S. state population by constant immigration can only be criticized by those who are horrified that the right to live on a patch of land, not by relying on blood and soil, thus to levy on an organic ties to the political sovereign can. The U.S. state population is not indigenous, that is no people - herein lies the Langthaler denounced by Pirker and shortcoming.
Nothing other than German ideology is reproduced here: the generation of a natural relationship, an organic ties of the individual to the political sovereign of the brazen violence, that the absolute identification with a state. The state is immortalized in its metaphysical form: the people, a natural law-like relationship, which conceals the superfluity of the isolated individual, and guarantees the capital of self recovery. Criticism of the People regarded as a collective blindness associated with Werner Pirker Gollwitz at least since 1997 (10/07/1997 JW ") as" social racism ".
This souveränitätsfetischistische anti-imperialism, which is approximately in the person of Wilhelm Langthaler the revolt against the virtuous terrorist regime as a traitor to the "national sovereignty" denounced ("JW", 6:07:09), the geo-political reproduction of the ideological split of the capital ratio, under which constituted the individual as a subject-like, ie, to self-expansion of capital forced the agents and traitors that they are unnecessary: in a nature-like Production sphere, a realm of fair wages, nature-like form of commodities and regionalization money fetish, and in a parasitic speculation sphere in which the people feel deprived of the value of its self-expansion. In the anti-imperialism is now the rule is split into one that appears on the governed as alien, that is, imperialist, and in an authentic, ie, in the indigenous control of the 'Self' that is fetishized in the anti-imperialist bombast of "national sovereignty" . Here the anti-Semitism that presents and reproduces in the geopolitical decked with international law, anti-Zionism: Because the limited, because of subject-like is individual capital ratio of second nature, it looks for those who provoke the fate and nature, and allegedly aware of the magical moments' capital-socialization execute: The Jews, who thought to realize before the Holocaust, the Civil promise of happiness as a concrete emancipation and their forced mobility is associated with the ratio of capital ideologically split off speculation sphere. Now it is Israel, the Jew among nations, which acts as an anti to inherent sovereignty: that project bold Zionist founders of the state, nature and fate defied order on a patch of earth, with the following it, ideologues like Werner Pirker, no band with the Soil can attest, the state-like expedients of the anti-Semitic persecution created.
who speaks compulsively by the people silent, troubled by the individual and immortalized their misery. The traditional Marxist mass parties in Iran, the Islamic beikamen the contras in the reactionary turn of revolt against the monarchist regime, made himself guilty of treason this solidarity. On 8 March 1979, after the plans of the Islamic contras was known to force the female hair under the hijab, rebelled angry women, particularly in Tehran, tens of thousands against the virtuous terrorist concealment penalty. A day earlier, had the Islamist Cons arranged that women are "not naked", ie pp without the veil of her hair in ministries, agencies, etc.. must go. Again and again women have been attacked, which were denounced as unchaste and sinful - these ranged from verbal abuse as "whores" to acid attacks. The protests, which lasted for several days could not prevent that on 1 was April 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran proclaimed and guaranteed the fate of woman as humble and modest reproduction machine of Islamic collective regression in the already Verfassungspräambel. In the Islamic Republic of the female body is occupied entirely to state purposes. The patriarchal family is in the organized gender rule is broken and also perpetuated by the family has not decided what should his wife and daughters and what not, but the state, the wrongful conduct strictly defined and enforced. The Hijabzwang aims at a first, the identification of women as government material and on the other hand, in concrete terms, the protection of the man before sexual sense pleasures, which could arouse in him than the absolute identity with the suffering willing martyrs collective (See here ).
been But from the Politburo of the Tudeh trumpeted in contrast to those revolutionary days that the "Islamic Revolution" the Iranian woman as guardian of national dignity help 'to their ancestral rights (see here , p. 30). And the Volksfedajin which split as a result of complicity with the Islamist contras, at least, calling for calm. Already before 1979 promoted the bigoted anti-imperialist, Ali Shariati, the Wilhelm Langthaler as "traditional strand" is praised ("Intifada", 29/09), the hijab as a militant symbol of national peculiarities (see "iz3w, 311/09, S. 27). Now it hardly interested if broken in the Iranian torture hell of Evin, the bones of the revolt or the forced marriage volatile women and homosexuals be executed. The Duisburg branch of the cross-front "Campo Antiimperialista", the "Initiative", according , the hijab is not a forced-imposed shroud of sense but "a symbol of the liberated woman" against "imperialist assimilation. The dissident woman who intends to decide in defense of Islamic virtue of their own bodies will, therefore, the Community chaste reproduction functionaries rescued and incorporated imperialist.
organized this betrayal of the distant happiness of individuals, on a rule of liberated humanity, is also from that of most German party which it imagines in the tradition of international solidarity drilled,: On 15 June 2009 - at that time, as in Iran, the regime militia, the revolt began to destroy blood to - pleaded them for a "respectful and equal policy" against the Islamic Republic and for a "one-sided focus on Israel's occupation and nuclear weapons policy." Now - at a time when the German anti-Zionists fraternize with fellow Turkish Grey Wolves and the murderers of the Islamic Pogromaufhetzern of Sivas against Israel and Iran political prisoners as "enemies of God" and executed rebellious be imprisoned - outraged to the party over the barrier imposed by the Iranian regime, "not start a ballistic missile" may, and of the compromised Tayyip Erdoğan, the latest hero of the anti-Semitism stirred up the masses and complicity Ahmadinejad.
"It was not a revolt of the have-nots, of people who have nothing to lose. There was an uprising of hedonists who lack experience, to heroic endurance ", sang Werner Pirker an early end to the anti-regime revolt in Iran (" JW ", 27/06/09). But too early happy in the Berlin editorial office. During the al-Quds march 18 September, countered the obligatory "Death to Israel" slogans of the regime's agents pushing with the slogans "Death to the Russian and Chinese collaborators of the regime" or "Not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran" - and here is less a shift of the sacrificial cult, away from identification with the Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, to an exclusive submission to the 'own' nation ascertaining numerical, but an anti-Zionist projection that off their own suffering and, unliberated 'al- Quds conserved. In that denial, his own misfortune anti-Semitic drive out, lies a truly revolutionary moment that the National Bolshevik cons instinctively denounce as "dismantling" of the "Islamic Revolution" ("JW", 27/06/09).
For it is the spiritual echo of the trend capital-association, the identity-welding of the ailing subjects to individual emptied reproduction machines in projective reconciled collective, which resounded even from the anti-imperialist ideologues: that the silent pressure to first nature will, to the absolute identity of the isolated individual with people and authentic power. Running on the people that terrorized individuals and that confirms their miserable existence, and is thus the death oath not to break with his own misfortune, is initialed mentally. But the only real escape, namely those from the indigenous tyranny threatens the identity-Nothing in fateful circumstances in which man is an abandoned and contemptible being.
*** against the al-Quds march ***
The anti-imperialist ideology, the hunger, misery and forced no serious argument for revolutionary liberation from domination, but to advance the indigenization of the state and nation projective and reconciliation, therefore, to participate in the anti-Semitic delusion that the international Solidarity to the complicity of the mortal enemies of a liberated mankind brought down. Against this is a criticism in the sense of Marx's categorical imperative to prove to there as a practical solidarity, where criticism of the prevailing conditions to life-threatening risk or prevents the involuntary minority any Rebellion: The latter would be solidarity with the subscribed again martyrdom and anti-Semitism stirred up children; the former's solidarity with those who refuse to anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung, as the people who counter the "Death to Israel" slogans of the Islamic slave-driver. Consequently, protest against the regime organized this year al-Quds-demonstration on 4 September in Berlin active solidarity with those truly brave.
In the "young world" of 2 September 2005, Werner Pirker characterized the regional policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is still "a expansionist, on the subordination Iraq's goal appearing in Iranian dominance concept. "participating, the Islamist regime" in the destruction of Iraqi sovereignty, "it neutralized through agencies in Iraq," the Shiite resistance "and prevent" the formation of a national united front against the foreign domination. "
In Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran has thus sinned - not because they are in the 1980 `ren en masse to the martyrdom of subscribed children as human mine neutralizer to the Iranian-Iraqi front forced. For such an organized child murder, the anti-imperialist sovereignty fetish has never interested - Either in Gaza still in Khorramshahr. The Islamic Republic of Iran had sabotaged the national sovereignty of the Iraqi Ba `ath regime, herein lay their guilt. "Saddam must remain," Werner Pirker had demanded furiously ("Junge Welt", 03.19.2003) - but he did not. By his death he had been "made a martyr," the "Anti-imperialist Coordination", something like the Vienna Folk Society Pirker "in the face of death he stood for the unwavering and uncompromising hostility to the imperial arrogance (...)". Saddam Hussein this Iraqi Bismarck and upgraded by German poison gas killer was, "not only a partisan, but a statesman, "the Viennese anti-imperialists (30.12.06), by the " were confirmed by Iraqi Patriotic Alliance , the ba `athistischen favorite anti-imperialist complicity, a premonition: the Verstickung the Iranian regime's arrest and murder of Saddam Hussein. The Iranian agents had - as they often would do - disguised in uniforms of the Peshmerga. Previously, Wilhelm Langthaler, agitator "Anti-imperialist Coordination," Iraqi communists, the complicity with Islamist cutthroats, and `ba dared to criticize this table killers in the anti-imperialist Fanzine "Intifada" (11/04) chalked that they are "in terms of their political tradition and culture, through and through Persian", meaning they pay homage to the "secularism of the Persian intelligentsia" are so far from the indigenous people.
It loomed so only evil from Iran: Communist agents of a strange "secular fetishism" that mask just as Iraqis, but are not; murderer in Saddam Peshmerga uniforms, etc. pp.
But as the tables this ba `Iraq" brought about its existence as a sovereign state "was (" JW ", 16:12:05), so now threatened the Islamic Republic same fate. And in the "young world" we knew immediately why Islamist regime - will be outlawed - wrongly: "The denial of the Holocaust under German law, a criminal offense. This legal opinion has apparently made the imperialist power diplomacy to own "that threaten to war, says Werner Pirker (" JW ", 16:12:05). The imperialist Auschwitz club knew Pirker - few days after the anti-Israel Al-Quds rallies in Tehran, Beirut and Berlin - to respond, "anti-Zionism" aimed "not to the destruction of the Jewish existence in the reserves of Islamic peoples," but the destruction of a project that is founded on the rule of Siedlerkolonialisten of the Palestinian people. "(" JW ", 29/10/2005) The Jewish state is therefore somewhat artificial, not natural-like state, a project just based on the rule of Vagabonds of the incumbent People's reasons.
And however much of the harmful "Iranian influence on Iraq" in the neutralization of the Shiite resistance "resulted Werner Pirker dared to hope: For Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who came from the street," became president because it with the masses "Memories of the social to awaken ideals of justice and anti-imperialism of the Islamic revolution succeeded. Now he had "mobilized the power of the street" against the pragmatists cheesy ("JW", 10/29/2005). As has raved in the "young world" before the "Arab street", addressed to each of the collaborator will, as in the substrate active ba `athistische generals in the" young age "(18:04:04) allowed threatening suggested now the interest in the Iranian street on which trample the anti-Semitic regime incited constable on Israel flags and gay men and women from forced marriage to volatile by Germans produced cranes hang. Precisely the road should Pirker desires of the "Iranian have-nots", the Zionist snort attention to people's front against Israel, even ridicule - but more on that later.
the more violent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a hero of the anti-Semitic International projecting itself - the German League of Struggle national socialists "such as printed his brown shirts with the face of the Iranian President and the caption:" Two nations, an enemy "- the more the expressions of sympathy were in the "Young World" for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Then bowed the "young world" on the occasion All of the shot Islamic satellite "Omid" before the Iranian engineering (4:02:09) and enjoyed the proffered of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "criticism of Israel" on the anti-Zionist Congress of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland (22:04:09). But when in June of the past year, masses of people the regressive anti-imperialism of the Islamic Republic and its apologists threatened to disgrace, had worried about the "young world" closer than ever before, the reputation of a rule, the practice of virtue terrorism and the ideology of salvation - "The World Without Zionism" - the anti-Semitic International enthusiastic. The revolting masses of up to three million people in Tehran denounced Werner Pirker undeterred as "anti-social revolution" and noted offended "the counter-revolutionary revenge from the Islamic revolution as a process of emancipation of the lower classes" because "with the leaders of the have-nots" would probably "also the anti-imperialist component of the Iranian revolution disappear "(" JW ", 20:06:09) Rüdiger Göbel, another geopolitics of the" virtual world. "tried his memory:" I am the whole thing reminds of the color revolutions in Serbia, in the Ukraine and Georgia, sponsored by CIA, George Soros and friends. "(" JW ", 02.07.09) and Jürgen Cain Külbel moaned about the malicious destruction of state property and was revolted by the death resulting from an insidious attack on the Basij militia, who are the" provocateurs "only had resisted ("JW", 16./17.06.09).
little later invited the "young world" Berlin's ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to call. "His Excellency" Ali Reza Sheikh Attar, as provincial governor in the early 1980 `ren co-organizer of murder and torture, certified by the 'Young World' vaunted unity of the class Iranian population with the pious Brosamenwohlfahrtsregime: "85 percent of the population" had plebiszitartig the Islamic Republic "confirmed" ("JW", 11/07/09). After giving the nod of those anti-regime revolt as a state hostile coup was the "young world" do not have much further.
The last thing "His Excellency" to the "young world" consulted yet, "Who or what Israel is," fondling the mind of the anti-imperialist zealots that claim to know exactly what a nation state like the Islamic Republic and what Israel would be impossible. Werner Pirker sought already a valid definition of the Jewish anti-state and thus the true one, because natural-like state: "The State of Israel, the Palestinians can confirm this from bitter experience, is a real structure. And yet the artificiality of its existence is evident. He is a state from the retort "And again:". Israel was created as a nation state without a nation. But outside the religious imagination of a specifically Jewish identity can not be determined. But it is also a state of colonists. It is a highly motivated ideological state, the security of Jewish privileges brought to the top raison d'etat. "(" Junge Welt ", 24.04.2002). Where could be relied on not autochthonous, ie blood and land, the Zionist ideology, the eccentric Pirkersche critique of the state to denounce the lack of naturalness and thus forced the fetishization of power relations. The fact that Israel "were less of themselves" was scattered as by the mere will to survive of earlier cosmopolitan living Jews, rankles Pirker, who longed to the State as a primitive case of the indigenous population. The ideology of nature-like state by Israel-bashing Pirker reproduced in the "young world" of 15 June: Israel's "apartheid architecture" consists "only in the backup of white supremacy over the indigenous population, "Israel is a" state without a nation "and so on. On another occasion, denounced the "young world" the efforts of the Israeli government to defuse the anti-Israel incitement, as "sabotage as a program" (24.02.10) and called the Israeli policy is a "network of manipulators" (09.12.09). Or after the murder of a Jewish settler by the al-Aqsa Brigades: "The settlers have been killed after all experience is not innocent. Settlers are not civilians, but the vanguard of the Zionist expansion. "(" JW ", 28/12/09). The Jewish monster of a state appears here as a continuing mockery of authentic rule: sabotaging, manipulating, mocking the natural limits of liability.
It is less the fascination of Islam, which carried away the wicked "young world" to an apology for the Islamic Republic of Iran and cheer from a Armageddon "hedonists and self-sacrificing" suggests, it is the anti-Semitic delusions of natural-like rule, by the negated "test-tube state," Israel will on the Iranian gay murderer Republic but represents credible. In a Wilhelm Langthaler of the Anti-Imperialist Coordination "pamphlet published denounced Pirker that civilization Moment of the United States of America in which it aufscheint despite all existing racist delusion the unreal unity of humanity, at least: The "social type" of U.S. goods company, Pirker and Langthaler was formed by the constant immigration, that meant but "also always an individual rejection of collective efforts, the situation "in the abandoned local production community" to change ". The foundation of the U.S. state population by constant immigration can only be criticized by those who are horrified that the right to live on a patch of land, not by relying on blood and soil, thus to levy on an organic ties to the political sovereign can. The U.S. state population is not indigenous, that is no people - herein lies the Langthaler denounced by Pirker and shortcoming.
Nothing other than German ideology is reproduced here: the generation of a natural relationship, an organic ties of the individual to the political sovereign of the brazen violence, that the absolute identification with a state. The state is immortalized in its metaphysical form: the people, a natural law-like relationship, which conceals the superfluity of the isolated individual, and guarantees the capital of self recovery. Criticism of the People regarded as a collective blindness associated with Werner Pirker Gollwitz at least since 1997 (10/07/1997 JW ") as" social racism ".
This souveränitätsfetischistische anti-imperialism, which is approximately in the person of Wilhelm Langthaler the revolt against the virtuous terrorist regime as a traitor to the "national sovereignty" denounced ("JW", 6:07:09), the geo-political reproduction of the ideological split of the capital ratio, under which constituted the individual as a subject-like, ie, to self-expansion of capital forced the agents and traitors that they are unnecessary: in a nature-like Production sphere, a realm of fair wages, nature-like form of commodities and regionalization money fetish, and in a parasitic speculation sphere in which the people feel deprived of the value of its self-expansion. In the anti-imperialism is now the rule is split into one that appears on the governed as alien, that is, imperialist, and in an authentic, ie, in the indigenous control of the 'Self' that is fetishized in the anti-imperialist bombast of "national sovereignty" . Here the anti-Semitism that presents and reproduces in the geopolitical decked with international law, anti-Zionism: Because the limited, because of subject-like is individual capital ratio of second nature, it looks for those who provoke the fate and nature, and allegedly aware of the magical moments' capital-socialization execute: The Jews, who thought to realize before the Holocaust, the Civil promise of happiness as a concrete emancipation and their forced mobility is associated with the ratio of capital ideologically split off speculation sphere. Now it is Israel, the Jew among nations, which acts as an anti to inherent sovereignty: that project bold Zionist founders of the state, nature and fate defied order on a patch of earth, with the following it, ideologues like Werner Pirker, no band with the Soil can attest, the state-like expedients of the anti-Semitic persecution created.
who speaks compulsively by the people silent, troubled by the individual and immortalized their misery. The traditional Marxist mass parties in Iran, the Islamic beikamen the contras in the reactionary turn of revolt against the monarchist regime, made himself guilty of treason this solidarity. On 8 March 1979, after the plans of the Islamic contras was known to force the female hair under the hijab, rebelled angry women, particularly in Tehran, tens of thousands against the virtuous terrorist concealment penalty. A day earlier, had the Islamist Cons arranged that women are "not naked", ie pp without the veil of her hair in ministries, agencies, etc.. must go. Again and again women have been attacked, which were denounced as unchaste and sinful - these ranged from verbal abuse as "whores" to acid attacks. The protests, which lasted for several days could not prevent that on 1 was April 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran proclaimed and guaranteed the fate of woman as humble and modest reproduction machine of Islamic collective regression in the already Verfassungspräambel. In the Islamic Republic of the female body is occupied entirely to state purposes. The patriarchal family is in the organized gender rule is broken and also perpetuated by the family has not decided what should his wife and daughters and what not, but the state, the wrongful conduct strictly defined and enforced. The Hijabzwang aims at a first, the identification of women as government material and on the other hand, in concrete terms, the protection of the man before sexual sense pleasures, which could arouse in him than the absolute identity with the suffering willing martyrs collective (See here ).
been But from the Politburo of the Tudeh trumpeted in contrast to those revolutionary days that the "Islamic Revolution" the Iranian woman as guardian of national dignity help 'to their ancestral rights (see here , p. 30). And the Volksfedajin which split as a result of complicity with the Islamist contras, at least, calling for calm. Already before 1979 promoted the bigoted anti-imperialist, Ali Shariati, the Wilhelm Langthaler as "traditional strand" is praised ("Intifada", 29/09), the hijab as a militant symbol of national peculiarities (see "iz3w, 311/09, S. 27). Now it hardly interested if broken in the Iranian torture hell of Evin, the bones of the revolt or the forced marriage volatile women and homosexuals be executed. The Duisburg branch of the cross-front "Campo Antiimperialista", the "Initiative", according , the hijab is not a forced-imposed shroud of sense but "a symbol of the liberated woman" against "imperialist assimilation. The dissident woman who intends to decide in defense of Islamic virtue of their own bodies will, therefore, the Community chaste reproduction functionaries rescued and incorporated imperialist.
organized this betrayal of the distant happiness of individuals, on a rule of liberated humanity, is also from that of most German party which it imagines in the tradition of international solidarity drilled,: On 15 June 2009 - at that time, as in Iran, the regime militia, the revolt began to destroy blood to - pleaded them for a "respectful and equal policy" against the Islamic Republic and for a "one-sided focus on Israel's occupation and nuclear weapons policy." Now - at a time when the German anti-Zionists fraternize with fellow Turkish Grey Wolves and the murderers of the Islamic Pogromaufhetzern of Sivas against Israel and Iran political prisoners as "enemies of God" and executed rebellious be imprisoned - outraged to the party over the barrier imposed by the Iranian regime, "not start a ballistic missile" may, and of the compromised Tayyip Erdoğan, the latest hero of the anti-Semitism stirred up the masses and complicity Ahmadinejad.
"It was not a revolt of the have-nots, of people who have nothing to lose. There was an uprising of hedonists who lack experience, to heroic endurance ", sang Werner Pirker an early end to the anti-regime revolt in Iran (" JW ", 27/06/09). But too early happy in the Berlin editorial office. During the al-Quds march 18 September, countered the obligatory "Death to Israel" slogans of the regime's agents pushing with the slogans "Death to the Russian and Chinese collaborators of the regime" or "Not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran" - and here is less a shift of the sacrificial cult, away from identification with the Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, to an exclusive submission to the 'own' nation ascertaining numerical, but an anti-Zionist projection that off their own suffering and, unliberated 'al- Quds conserved. In that denial, his own misfortune anti-Semitic drive out, lies a truly revolutionary moment that the National Bolshevik cons instinctively denounce as "dismantling" of the "Islamic Revolution" ("JW", 27/06/09).
For it is the spiritual echo of the trend capital-association, the identity-welding of the ailing subjects to individual emptied reproduction machines in projective reconciled collective, which resounded even from the anti-imperialist ideologues: that the silent pressure to first nature will, to the absolute identity of the isolated individual with people and authentic power. Running on the people that terrorized individuals and that confirms their miserable existence, and is thus the death oath not to break with his own misfortune, is initialed mentally. But the only real escape, namely those from the indigenous tyranny threatens the identity-Nothing in fateful circumstances in which man is an abandoned and contemptible being.
*** against the al-Quds march ***
The anti-imperialist ideology, the hunger, misery and forced no serious argument for revolutionary liberation from domination, but to advance the indigenization of the state and nation projective and reconciliation, therefore, to participate in the anti-Semitic delusion that the international Solidarity to the complicity of the mortal enemies of a liberated mankind brought down. Against this is a criticism in the sense of Marx's categorical imperative to prove to there as a practical solidarity, where criticism of the prevailing conditions to life-threatening risk or prevents the involuntary minority any Rebellion: The latter would be solidarity with the subscribed again martyrdom and anti-Semitism stirred up children; the former's solidarity with those who refuse to anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung, as the people who counter the "Death to Israel" slogans of the Islamic slave-driver. Consequently, protest against the regime organized this year al-Quds-demonstration on 4 September in Berlin active solidarity with those truly brave.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Where Can U Buy Doral Tires
Against Paechsche alliance of "Grey Wolves", Islamist Virtue terrorists and German naval
On 30 July, it came on the Attac summer academy in Hamburg a protest against the favored Norman Paech anti-Israeli alliance of fascist "Grey Wolves" terrorist Islamist Virtue and German Navy. Israel Solidarity anti-militarists, including the fellow bloggers here, interfered with the endless loop of Paechschen quote, it would be "an idea", the protection of the next Khaibar-flotilla by the German navy to demand, the organizing anti-Israeli revenge. (The leaflet this is found here. To the offered by the Attac Summer Academy "international alliance of Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists" see below.)
After the action I went to a mate nor the Nakba horrors *, with the Attac Summer Academy came up also, and said one of the "Palestinian friends" on whether he thought it shameful that this nowhere collaboration of the most significant Palestinian politicians with Nazi Germany before and after 1945 is documented: about the efficiency of the notorious muftis in the murder of Jews, the Nazi collaborators in the "Arab Errettungsarmee "or the Nazi colonies in Egypt. Grinning, he replied that he already knows about the collaboration between Zionists and Nazis know. The man continued: "It is only right but if you are hostile immigration brigade. My reply, that this same understanding of the ethnic pogromists a nationally liberated (or liberating) is Zone, irritated him no. For the here and now is horrible enough to denounce Israel as a criminal on: "The fact that the Palestinians are forced to endure long hours in the heat at the checkpoints, give me completely," said the man (not a literal quote). He may associate here is the traffic jam phobias of ordinary Germans, for the real misery that inevitably solidifies at the checkpoints, he could not name to: The discrediting to slave away in Israel in order to reduce poverty and dependency on the racket economy. Or the limitations of the escape routes of the victims of the virtue terrorism. But this requires a - unfortunately not to be expected - critical reflection of anti-Israeli frenzy, do not revolt against the precarious capitalist (dis) is peace, but an anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung in perpetuity, a ethnic reconciliation of the irreconcilable the suicidal madness. My sober nod to the massive die at the European borders, which forces a spirit of solidarity and anti-national practice, he again replied with a grin: "Yes, there ... ... the Africans." This mockery of the national interest in the German-dying, which is the admission that interest only the dead who are subservient to the projection, ended my willingness to talk.
* When I say "horrors" talking about, not the actual existence of the Jewish victims of Palestinian war of 1947/48/49 deny. But just as nothing but an anti-Zionist horrors for the purpose of demonizing Israel were the billboards on the Attac Summer Academy thought. stood on one of the first billboards around (I can not quote verbatim): "The pressure of the Nazis, many Jews fled to Palestine. This prevented the national self-determination for Palestinians. "Palestinians so than the last and actual victims of the Shoah. The Jewish immigrants, however, as a breaker of the blood and soil constitutional rights, as executor of the national disaster.
against the counter-revolutionary alliance of the "Grey Wolves" terrorist Islamist Virtue and German revanchists.
"An international alliance of Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists, "characterizes the Attac summer academy that cross front on 31 May was raised by Israeli Navy. A blessed unity of religion and so wicked? On the flagship of the ship-to-Gaza Flotilla, also endured the Norman Paech, Inge Hoeger and Anette Groth, of the 581 passengers were than 400 Turkish citizens . But not a single man from a secular and nationalist anti-Turkish association among them, not even a single squad of one of the many tight anti-Zionist ML factions. But the most notorious murderers comrades: About politicians "Büyük Birlik Partisi" , who in 1993 as the extremist wing of the nationalist-panturanistisch "Grey Wolves" of the mother party, the "Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi" split off. The founder of the "Büyük Birlik Partisi," Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu, who is revered after his death as a corporeal leader of the pack of people, is suspected not only of having commanded the murder of journalist Hrant Dink. He is also one of those pogrom initiators who had instigated in December 1978, the reactionary mob of "Grey Wolves" and Islamist zealots to murder the Alevi population in Anatolia Maras. Up to 1,100 people were in Maras - From today's Paechschen allies against Israel - killed. Heavily involved in organizing the flotilla was also the parliamentary wing of "Milli Görüş", the "Saadet Partisi," the party of murderers of Sivas. burned in the Islamist stronghold of Sivas on 2 July 1993 37 people. They were guests of an Alevi cultural festival, was also arrived at the Turkish publisher of Salman Rushdie and fearless atheist, Aziz Nesin. Today's politicians of the Saadet Partisi, Temel Karamollaoğlu , instructed the Brandmob, the "Satan Aziz krakeelte, his party comrade Şevket Kazan was an advocate of pogromists, and Necmettin Erbakan, the mentor of the party boasted the fire in response to the alleged murder of Islamophobia murdered (see Ömer Erzeren, in: taz 05/07/1993).
Moreover were delegates of the ultra-nationalist, BBP-associated clubs, "Denizli Alperen Ocakları" and "Anadolu Gençlik Derneği'nden", the chomeinistischen association "Özgür-Der," touted the Iranian gay murderer Republic and correspondents including the Adolf Hitler laudatory "Vakit" with the ship. In addition to the stowaways Paech, Groth and Hoeger, who claim to have heard nothing from the anti-Semitic chants , completed Jordanian, Yemeni, Algerian , etc. pp. Muslim Brotherhood, which is the bloody enemies of gays, atheists and the forced marriage of women fleeing the ship. The owner of three of the six boats of the flotilla is, moreover, the Foundation for Human Rights and Humanitarian Relief "(" Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri Insani Yardim Vakfi "in short, IHH), one in league with Milli Görüş Turkish financial organization of the international Islamist . Your body is the 'Union for Good ", which co-financed under the care of the Shoah appreciative Muslim brother Yusuf al-Qaradawi Hamas.
an "international alliance of Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists" state: more than 90 percent of them Alevitenmörder and Jew-haters (5), the other four or five percent sentimental staffage for the anti-Semitic propaganda war. That the International Law agitator Norman Paech, who proves the German and Turkish Navy longs as the military arm of the next Khaibar-flotilla, participates thereto, no internationalism, but only that his party brought down solidarity on the complicity with anti-Semitic gangs added. The compulsive Selbsttitulierung as a peaceful unity of the peoples and religions against Israel is only a manifestation of the anti-Semitic ideology, in which Israel appears as an anti-government has become anti-people, as a continuing mockery of just rule. most of Paech and Co. executed reconnaissance betrayal by all parties in the Bundestag that the 2 July was rewarded proves even more: that the band is currently the most assiduous Paechsche agency of the German revenge, which is driven to avenge the Holocaust - to Israel.
On 30 July, it came on the Attac summer academy in Hamburg a protest against the favored Norman Paech anti-Israeli alliance of fascist "Grey Wolves" terrorist Islamist Virtue and German Navy. Israel Solidarity anti-militarists, including the fellow bloggers here, interfered with the endless loop of Paechschen quote, it would be "an idea", the protection of the next Khaibar-flotilla by the German navy to demand, the organizing anti-Israeli revenge. (The leaflet this is found here. To the offered by the Attac Summer Academy "international alliance of Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists" see below.)
After the action I went to a mate nor the Nakba horrors *, with the Attac Summer Academy came up also, and said one of the "Palestinian friends" on whether he thought it shameful that this nowhere collaboration of the most significant Palestinian politicians with Nazi Germany before and after 1945 is documented: about the efficiency of the notorious muftis in the murder of Jews, the Nazi collaborators in the "Arab Errettungsarmee "or the Nazi colonies in Egypt. Grinning, he replied that he already knows about the collaboration between Zionists and Nazis know. The man continued: "It is only right but if you are hostile immigration brigade. My reply, that this same understanding of the ethnic pogromists a nationally liberated (or liberating) is Zone, irritated him no. For the here and now is horrible enough to denounce Israel as a criminal on: "The fact that the Palestinians are forced to endure long hours in the heat at the checkpoints, give me completely," said the man (not a literal quote). He may associate here is the traffic jam phobias of ordinary Germans, for the real misery that inevitably solidifies at the checkpoints, he could not name to: The discrediting to slave away in Israel in order to reduce poverty and dependency on the racket economy. Or the limitations of the escape routes of the victims of the virtue terrorism. But this requires a - unfortunately not to be expected - critical reflection of anti-Israeli frenzy, do not revolt against the precarious capitalist (dis) is peace, but an anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung in perpetuity, a ethnic reconciliation of the irreconcilable the suicidal madness. My sober nod to the massive die at the European borders, which forces a spirit of solidarity and anti-national practice, he again replied with a grin: "Yes, there ... ... the Africans." This mockery of the national interest in the German-dying, which is the admission that interest only the dead who are subservient to the projection, ended my willingness to talk.
* When I say "horrors" talking about, not the actual existence of the Jewish victims of Palestinian war of 1947/48/49 deny. But just as nothing but an anti-Zionist horrors for the purpose of demonizing Israel were the billboards on the Attac Summer Academy thought. stood on one of the first billboards around (I can not quote verbatim): "The pressure of the Nazis, many Jews fled to Palestine. This prevented the national self-determination for Palestinians. "Palestinians so than the last and actual victims of the Shoah. The Jewish immigrants, however, as a breaker of the blood and soil constitutional rights, as executor of the national disaster.
against the counter-revolutionary alliance of the "Grey Wolves" terrorist Islamist Virtue and German revanchists.
"An international alliance of Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists, "characterizes the Attac summer academy that cross front on 31 May was raised by Israeli Navy. A blessed unity of religion and so wicked? On the flagship of the ship-to-Gaza Flotilla, also endured the Norman Paech, Inge Hoeger and Anette Groth, of the 581 passengers were than 400 Turkish citizens . But not a single man from a secular and nationalist anti-Turkish association among them, not even a single squad of one of the many tight anti-Zionist ML factions. But the most notorious murderers comrades: About politicians "Büyük Birlik Partisi" , who in 1993 as the extremist wing of the nationalist-panturanistisch "Grey Wolves" of the mother party, the "Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi" split off. The founder of the "Büyük Birlik Partisi," Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu, who is revered after his death as a corporeal leader of the pack of people, is suspected not only of having commanded the murder of journalist Hrant Dink. He is also one of those pogrom initiators who had instigated in December 1978, the reactionary mob of "Grey Wolves" and Islamist zealots to murder the Alevi population in Anatolia Maras. Up to 1,100 people were in Maras - From today's Paechschen allies against Israel - killed. Heavily involved in organizing the flotilla was also the parliamentary wing of "Milli Görüş", the "Saadet Partisi," the party of murderers of Sivas. burned in the Islamist stronghold of Sivas on 2 July 1993 37 people. They were guests of an Alevi cultural festival, was also arrived at the Turkish publisher of Salman Rushdie and fearless atheist, Aziz Nesin. Today's politicians of the Saadet Partisi, Temel Karamollaoğlu , instructed the Brandmob, the "Satan Aziz krakeelte, his party comrade Şevket Kazan was an advocate of pogromists, and Necmettin Erbakan, the mentor of the party boasted the fire in response to the alleged murder of Islamophobia murdered (see Ömer Erzeren, in: taz 05/07/1993).
Moreover were delegates of the ultra-nationalist, BBP-associated clubs, "Denizli Alperen Ocakları" and "Anadolu Gençlik Derneği'nden", the chomeinistischen association "Özgür-Der," touted the Iranian gay murderer Republic and correspondents including the Adolf Hitler laudatory "Vakit" with the ship. In addition to the stowaways Paech, Groth and Hoeger, who claim to have heard nothing from the anti-Semitic chants , completed Jordanian, Yemeni, Algerian , etc. pp. Muslim Brotherhood, which is the bloody enemies of gays, atheists and the forced marriage of women fleeing the ship. The owner of three of the six boats of the flotilla is, moreover, the Foundation for Human Rights and Humanitarian Relief "(" Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri Insani Yardim Vakfi "in short, IHH), one in league with Milli Görüş Turkish financial organization of the international Islamist . Your body is the 'Union for Good ", which co-financed under the care of the Shoah appreciative Muslim brother Yusuf al-Qaradawi Hamas.
an "international alliance of Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists" state: more than 90 percent of them Alevitenmörder and Jew-haters (5), the other four or five percent sentimental staffage for the anti-Semitic propaganda war. That the International Law agitator Norman Paech, who proves the German and Turkish Navy longs as the military arm of the next Khaibar-flotilla, participates thereto, no internationalism, but only that his party brought down solidarity on the complicity with anti-Semitic gangs added. The compulsive Selbsttitulierung as a peaceful unity of the peoples and religions against Israel is only a manifestation of the anti-Semitic ideology, in which Israel appears as an anti-government has become anti-people, as a continuing mockery of just rule. most of Paech and Co. executed reconnaissance betrayal by all parties in the Bundestag that the 2 July was rewarded proves even more: that the band is currently the most assiduous Paechsche agency of the German revenge, which is driven to avenge the Holocaust - to Israel.
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