Monday, August 30, 2010

Gpsphone Cheats Pokemon Emerald No Computer

Inside (s) Out Opening

So, the summer is over and block the galleries, and eventually all again, Museums plan their upcoming shows - the old is taken from the walls and displaced in are fresh and new.

On this occasion I would like to announce that photographer Alex Thompson (VIE / NYC) issue again this year. On 10 September, she shows for the first time in their (dance) although in the photo portraits and works in the 7th Vienna District. Intimate photographs, so were never presented to the public.

Click here for the official press release .

The exhibition runs until 1 October. Free admission! Everyone welcome!

Alexandra Thompson on Facebook

FotoWerk wien

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Big Blister On Dogs Keg

"Young World", the German-European anti-imperialism and the Islamic Republic of Iran

In the "young world" of 2 September 2005, Werner Pirker characterized the regional policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is still "a expansionist, on the subordination Iraq's goal appearing in Iranian dominance concept. "participating, the Islamist regime" in the destruction of Iraqi sovereignty, "it neutralized through agencies in Iraq," the Shiite resistance "and prevent" the formation of a national united front against the foreign domination. "

In Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran has thus sinned - not because they are in the 1980 `ren en masse to the martyrdom of subscribed children as human mine neutralizer to the Iranian-Iraqi front forced. For such an organized child murder, the anti-imperialist sovereignty fetish has never interested - Either in Gaza still in Khorramshahr. The Islamic Republic of Iran had sabotaged the national sovereignty of the Iraqi Ba `ath regime, herein lay their guilt. "Saddam must remain," Werner Pirker had demanded furiously ("Junge Welt", 03.19.2003) - but he did not. By his death he had been "made a martyr," the "Anti-imperialist Coordination", something like the Vienna Folk Society Pirker "in the face of death he stood for the unwavering and uncompromising hostility to the imperial arrogance (...)". Saddam Hussein this Iraqi Bismarck and upgraded by German poison gas killer was, "not only a partisan, but a statesman, "the Viennese anti-imperialists (30.12.06), by the " were confirmed by Iraqi Patriotic Alliance , the ba `athistischen favorite anti-imperialist complicity, a premonition: the Verstickung the Iranian regime's arrest and murder of Saddam Hussein. The Iranian agents had - as they often would do - disguised in uniforms of the Peshmerga. Previously, Wilhelm Langthaler, agitator "Anti-imperialist Coordination," Iraqi communists, the complicity with Islamist cutthroats, and `ba dared to criticize this table killers in the anti-imperialist Fanzine "Intifada" (11/04) chalked that they are "in terms of their political tradition and culture, through and through Persian", meaning they pay homage to the "secularism of the Persian intelligentsia" are so far from the indigenous people.

It loomed so only evil from Iran: Communist agents of a strange "secular fetishism" that mask just as Iraqis, but are not; murderer in Saddam Peshmerga uniforms, etc. pp.

But as the tables this ba `Iraq" brought about its existence as a sovereign state "was (" JW ", 16:12:05), so now threatened the Islamic Republic same fate. And in the "young world" we knew immediately why Islamist regime - will be outlawed - wrongly: "The denial of the Holocaust under German law, a criminal offense. This legal opinion has apparently made the imperialist power diplomacy to own "that threaten to war, says Werner Pirker (" JW ", 16:12:05). The imperialist Auschwitz club knew Pirker - few days after the anti-Israel Al-Quds rallies in Tehran, Beirut and Berlin - to respond, "anti-Zionism" aimed "not to the destruction of the Jewish existence in the reserves of Islamic peoples," but the destruction of a project that is founded on the rule of Siedlerkolonialisten of the Palestinian people. "(" JW ", 29/10/2005) The Jewish state is therefore somewhat artificial, not natural-like state, a project just based on the rule of Vagabonds of the incumbent People's reasons.

And however much of the harmful "Iranian influence on Iraq" in the neutralization of the Shiite resistance "resulted Werner Pirker dared to hope: For Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who came from the street," became president because it with the masses "Memories of the social to awaken ideals of justice and anti-imperialism of the Islamic revolution succeeded. Now he had "mobilized the power of the street" against the pragmatists cheesy ("JW", 10/29/2005). As has raved in the "young world" before the "Arab street", addressed to each of the collaborator will, as in the substrate active ba `athistische generals in the" young age "(18:04:04) allowed threatening suggested now the interest in the Iranian street on which trample the anti-Semitic regime incited constable on Israel flags and gay men and women from forced marriage to volatile by Germans produced cranes hang. Precisely the road should Pirker desires of the "Iranian have-nots", the Zionist snort attention to people's front against Israel, even ridicule - but more on that later.

the more violent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a hero of the anti-Semitic International projecting itself - the German League of Struggle national socialists "such as printed his brown shirts with the face of the Iranian President and the caption:" Two nations, an enemy "- the more the expressions of sympathy were in the "Young World" for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Then bowed the "young world" on the occasion All of the shot Islamic satellite "Omid" before the Iranian engineering (4:02:09) and enjoyed the proffered of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "criticism of Israel" on the anti-Zionist Congress of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland (22:04:09). But when in June of the past year, masses of people the regressive anti-imperialism of the Islamic Republic and its apologists threatened to disgrace, had worried about the "young world" closer than ever before, the reputation of a rule, the practice of virtue terrorism and the ideology of salvation - "The World Without Zionism" - the anti-Semitic International enthusiastic. The revolting masses of up to three million people in Tehran denounced Werner Pirker undeterred as "anti-social revolution" and noted offended "the counter-revolutionary revenge from the Islamic revolution as a process of emancipation of the lower classes" because "with the leaders of the have-nots" would probably "also the anti-imperialist component of the Iranian revolution disappear "(" JW ", 20:06:09) Rüdiger Göbel, another geopolitics of the" virtual world. "tried his memory:" I am the whole thing reminds of the color revolutions in Serbia, in the Ukraine and Georgia, sponsored by CIA, George Soros and friends. "(" JW ", 02.07.09) and Jürgen Cain Külbel moaned about the malicious destruction of state property and was revolted by the death resulting from an insidious attack on the Basij militia, who are the" provocateurs "only had resisted ("JW", 16./17.06.09).

little later invited the "young world" Berlin's ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to call. "His Excellency" Ali Reza Sheikh Attar, as provincial governor in the early 1980 `ren co-organizer of murder and torture, certified by the 'Young World' vaunted unity of the class Iranian population with the pious Brosamenwohlfahrtsregime: "85 percent of the population" had plebiszitartig the Islamic Republic "confirmed" ("JW", 11/07/09). After giving the nod of those anti-regime revolt as a state hostile coup was the "young world" do not have much further.

The last thing "His Excellency" to the "young world" consulted yet, "Who or what Israel is," fondling the mind of the anti-imperialist zealots that claim to know exactly what a nation state like the Islamic Republic and what Israel would be impossible. Werner Pirker sought already a valid definition of the Jewish anti-state and thus the true one, because natural-like state: "The State of Israel, the Palestinians can confirm this from bitter experience, is a real structure. And yet the artificiality of its existence is evident. He is a state from the retort "And again:". Israel was created as a nation state without a nation. But outside the religious imagination of a specifically Jewish identity can not be determined. But it is also a state of colonists. It is a highly motivated ideological state, the security of Jewish privileges brought to the top raison d'etat. "(" Junge Welt ", 24.04.2002). Where could be relied on not autochthonous, ie blood and land, the Zionist ideology, the eccentric Pirkersche critique of the state to denounce the lack of naturalness and thus forced the fetishization of power relations. The fact that Israel "were less of themselves" was scattered as by the mere will to survive of earlier cosmopolitan living Jews, rankles Pirker, who longed to the State as a primitive case of the indigenous population. The ideology of nature-like state by Israel-bashing Pirker reproduced in the "young world" of 15 June: Israel's "apartheid architecture" consists "only in the backup of white supremacy over the indigenous population, "Israel is a" state without a nation "and so on. On another occasion, denounced the "young world" the efforts of the Israeli government to defuse the anti-Israel incitement, as "sabotage as a program" (24.02.10) and called the Israeli policy is a "network of manipulators" (09.12.09). Or after the murder of a Jewish settler by the al-Aqsa Brigades: "The settlers have been killed after all experience is not innocent. Settlers are not civilians, but the vanguard of the Zionist expansion. "(" JW ", 28/12/09). The Jewish monster of a state appears here as a continuing mockery of authentic rule: sabotaging, manipulating, mocking the natural limits of liability.

It is less the fascination of Islam, which carried away the wicked "young world" to an apology for the Islamic Republic of Iran and cheer from a Armageddon "hedonists and self-sacrificing" suggests, it is the anti-Semitic delusions of natural-like rule, by the negated "test-tube state," Israel will on the Iranian gay murderer Republic but represents credible. In a Wilhelm Langthaler of the Anti-Imperialist Coordination "pamphlet published denounced Pirker that civilization Moment of the United States of America in which it aufscheint despite all existing racist delusion the unreal unity of humanity, at least: The "social type" of U.S. goods company, Pirker and Langthaler was formed by the constant immigration, that meant but "also always an individual rejection of collective efforts, the situation "in the abandoned local production community" to change ". The foundation of the U.S. state population by constant immigration can only be criticized by those who are horrified that the right to live on a patch of land, not by relying on blood and soil, thus to levy on an organic ties to the political sovereign can. The U.S. state population is not indigenous, that is no people - herein lies the Langthaler denounced by Pirker and shortcoming.

Nothing other than German ideology is reproduced here: the generation of a natural relationship, an organic ties of the individual to the political sovereign of the brazen violence, that the absolute identification with a state. The state is immortalized in its metaphysical form: the people, a natural law-like relationship, which conceals the superfluity of the isolated individual, and guarantees the capital of self recovery. Criticism of the People regarded as a collective blindness associated with Werner Pirker Gollwitz at least since 1997 (10/07/1997 JW ") as" social racism ".

This souveränitätsfetischistische anti-imperialism, which is approximately in the person of Wilhelm Langthaler the revolt against the virtuous terrorist regime as a traitor to the "national sovereignty" denounced ("JW", 6:07:09), the geo-political reproduction of the ideological split of the capital ratio, under which constituted the individual as a subject-like, ie, to self-expansion of capital forced the agents and traitors that they are unnecessary: in a nature-like Production sphere, a realm of fair wages, nature-like form of commodities and regionalization money fetish, and in a parasitic speculation sphere in which the people feel deprived of the value of its self-expansion. In the anti-imperialism is now the rule is split into one that appears on the governed as alien, that is, imperialist, and in an authentic, ie, in the indigenous control of the 'Self' that is fetishized in the anti-imperialist bombast of "national sovereignty" . Here the anti-Semitism that presents and reproduces in the geopolitical decked with international law, anti-Zionism: Because the limited, because of subject-like is individual capital ratio of second nature, it looks for those who provoke the fate and nature, and allegedly aware of the magical moments' capital-socialization execute: The Jews, who thought to realize before the Holocaust, the Civil promise of happiness as a concrete emancipation and their forced mobility is associated with the ratio of capital ideologically split off speculation sphere. Now it is Israel, the Jew among nations, which acts as an anti to inherent sovereignty: that project bold Zionist founders of the state, nature and fate defied order on a patch of earth, with the following it, ideologues like Werner Pirker, no band with the Soil can attest, the state-like expedients of the anti-Semitic persecution created.

who speaks compulsively by the people silent, troubled by the individual and immortalized their misery. The traditional Marxist mass parties in Iran, the Islamic beikamen the contras in the reactionary turn of revolt against the monarchist regime, made himself guilty of treason this solidarity. On 8 March 1979, after the plans of the Islamic contras was known to force the female hair under the hijab, rebelled angry women, particularly in Tehran, tens of thousands against the virtuous terrorist concealment penalty. A day earlier, had the Islamist Cons arranged that women are "not naked", ie pp without the veil of her hair in ministries, agencies, etc.. must go. Again and again women have been attacked, which were denounced as unchaste and sinful - these ranged from verbal abuse as "whores" to acid attacks. The protests, which lasted for several days could not prevent that on 1 was April 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran proclaimed and guaranteed the fate of woman as humble and modest reproduction machine of Islamic collective regression in the already Verfassungspräambel. In the Islamic Republic of the female body is occupied entirely to state purposes. The patriarchal family is in the organized gender rule is broken and also perpetuated by the family has not decided what should his wife and daughters and what not, but the state, the wrongful conduct strictly defined and enforced. The Hijabzwang aims at a first, the identification of women as government material and on the other hand, in concrete terms, the protection of the man before sexual sense pleasures, which could arouse in him than the absolute identity with the suffering willing martyrs collective (See here ).

been But from the Politburo of the Tudeh trumpeted in contrast to those revolutionary days that the "Islamic Revolution" the Iranian woman as guardian of national dignity help 'to their ancestral rights (see here , p. 30). And the Volksfedajin which split as a result of complicity with the Islamist contras, at least, calling for calm. Already before 1979 promoted the bigoted anti-imperialist, Ali Shariati, the Wilhelm Langthaler as "traditional strand" is praised ("Intifada", 29/09), the hijab as a militant symbol of national peculiarities (see "iz3w, 311/09, S. 27). Now it hardly interested if broken in the Iranian torture hell of Evin, the bones of the revolt or the forced marriage volatile women and homosexuals be executed. The Duisburg branch of the cross-front "Campo Antiimperialista", the "Initiative", according , the hijab is not a forced-imposed shroud of sense but "a symbol of the liberated woman" against "imperialist assimilation. The dissident woman who intends to decide in defense of Islamic virtue of their own bodies will, therefore, the Community chaste reproduction functionaries rescued and incorporated imperialist.

organized this betrayal of the distant happiness of individuals, on a rule of liberated humanity, is also from that of most German party which it imagines in the tradition of international solidarity drilled,: On 15 June 2009 - at that time, as in Iran, the regime militia, the revolt began to destroy blood to - pleaded them for a "respectful and equal policy" against the Islamic Republic and for a "one-sided focus on Israel's occupation and nuclear weapons policy." Now - at a time when the German anti-Zionists fraternize with fellow Turkish Grey Wolves and the murderers of the Islamic Pogromaufhetzern of Sivas against Israel and Iran political prisoners as "enemies of God" and executed rebellious be imprisoned - outraged to the party over the barrier imposed by the Iranian regime, "not start a ballistic missile" may, and of the compromised Tayyip Erdoğan, the latest hero of the anti-Semitism stirred up the masses and complicity Ahmadinejad.

"It was not a revolt of the have-nots, of people who have nothing to lose. There was an uprising of hedonists who lack experience, to heroic endurance ", sang Werner Pirker an early end to the anti-regime revolt in Iran (" JW ", 27/06/09). But too early happy in the Berlin editorial office. During the al-Quds march 18 September, countered the obligatory "Death to Israel" slogans of the regime's agents pushing with the slogans "Death to the Russian and Chinese collaborators of the regime" or "Not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran" - and here is less a shift of the sacrificial cult, away from identification with the Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, to an exclusive submission to the 'own' nation ascertaining numerical, but an anti-Zionist projection that off their own suffering and, unliberated 'al- Quds conserved. In that denial, his own misfortune anti-Semitic drive out, lies a truly revolutionary moment that the National Bolshevik cons instinctively denounce as "dismantling" of the "Islamic Revolution" ("JW", 27/06/09).

For it is the spiritual echo of the trend capital-association, the identity-welding of the ailing subjects to individual emptied reproduction machines in projective reconciled collective, which resounded even from the anti-imperialist ideologues: that the silent pressure to first nature will, to the absolute identity of the isolated individual with people and authentic power. Running on the people that terrorized individuals and that confirms their miserable existence, and is thus the death oath not to break with his own misfortune, is initialed mentally. But the only real escape, namely those from the indigenous tyranny threatens the identity-Nothing in fateful circumstances in which man is an abandoned and contemptible being.

*** against the al-Quds march ***

The anti-imperialist ideology, the hunger, misery and forced no serious argument for revolutionary liberation from domination, but to advance the indigenization of the state and nation projective and reconciliation, therefore, to participate in the anti-Semitic delusion that the international Solidarity to the complicity of the mortal enemies of a liberated mankind brought down. Against this is a criticism in the sense of Marx's categorical imperative to prove to there as a practical solidarity, where criticism of the prevailing conditions to life-threatening risk or prevents the involuntary minority any Rebellion: The latter would be solidarity with the subscribed again martyrdom and anti-Semitism stirred up children; the former's solidarity with those who refuse to anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung, as the people who counter the "Death to Israel" slogans of the Islamic slave-driver. Consequently, protest against the regime organized this year al-Quds-demonstration on 4 September in Berlin active solidarity with those truly brave.