Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Aquarius Dwf40 Flashing

Helga King - review: 'The Office and the past "

This book, created free at the instigation of the then Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer of the four authors Eckart Conze, Norbert, Peter Hayes, Moshe Zimmermann several years, scientific research grants, and finally the myth that the " Foreign Office had to do "and its diplomats in the time of Hitler's dictatorship with the villainous machinations of the Nazi SS and SA and their organizations had nothing. This intensive historical misrepresentation was of the "Diplomatic Corps" in the newly founded Federal Republic touted the fact that the new diplomats were actually the old one. This means that the "Diplomatic Corps of the Federal Republic of Germany, mainly from officials was that even in the days of the Third Reich officials on "were the Foreign Office.

The Nazi diplomats went to the war a step further, because they tried the image of the "clean officers' show, which had nothing to do with Jews, persecutions and deportations, which had the Holocaust never heard anything concrete and he was charged solely with the foreign policy tasks to represent Germany, far away from the ideology of the criminal Nazi henchmen. ..

... read more here

How To Fix A Spinning Bike

Walter-Jörg Langbein speaker at the Awareness Conference in Regensburg

Walter Jörg Langbein,
author and expert on UFOlogy
and the Mayan culture
appointment of 11-Mar 13, 2011 Kolping House in Regensburg

As a bridge between science and spirituality is building awareness of Congress with the show as a forum in Regensburg. For the first time, the people of the world heritage city Regensburg renowned scientists and experts on explosive in a place and speculative topics such as:

· healing and other types of therapy,
· near-death experiences,
· shamanism, nature rituals and body awareness,
· forms of consciousness, thought patterns and erroneous belief
· frontier sciences,
· about sensual perceptions,
· Information of matter,
· Quantum physics and its origins,
· Mayan cultures and their calendars,
· Meditation species
hear and resolve existing issues.

Walter-Jörg Langbein , co-author of the writers community " Read a book," is at this event on 12 and 13 March 2011 the following lectures: first
Lecture: Gods, Myths, Astronauts?
second Lecture: 2012 and the true message of the Maya

... here for more info

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Can I Have A Bath After Waxing Back

Joachim Bruhn: a critique of the political economy of anti-Semitism (16.3 in Pinneberg) and Abraham Léon (18.3 in Hamburg)

Wednesday 16 March 2011, 19:30 clock, Jewish Community Pinneberg Clara Bertram-Weg 20, 25421 Pinneberg:

The political economy of anti-Semitism - on the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

If the conversation turns to the Anti-Semitism is, then mobilized the fraction of bourgeois society in Germany, which would still somehow seen as "liberal" and "enlightened" like theorems and words such as "prejudice", "resentment", "uninformed" or "Germanism". About the concept and ideology of the thing However, it remains silent out loud. This comes from the fact that the citizens, he feels even more so in the terminal, still the superstition of would because "thoughts are free" to distribute: the last white lie of the rule of the production, which he committed, for better or for worse feels. But the thoughts are not free. They think the to and also: behind, what you have to think to the socially totalized system of commodity exchange and also: to pass the capital accumulation can.

Nowhere is this symptom as clearly as in all the experiments, lies on the manifest character of the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to inform, the Nazis in 1920 and brought into circulation today - not just the "Charter of Hamas," it shows - is a bestseller, not only in Arab countries. Umpteen times, has been provided since the trial of Lausanne, 1934, and legal proof that it is the Protocols a forgery (the Tsarist secret) is never the question Hannah Arendt was addressed why they lie, all rational refutation Despite so mercilessly beats.

other words, if we examine, with Marx and Adorno, the political economy of the "Protocols", then we come in precisely the concepts of goods and money from Sovereignty and good government, which belong to the same ideas (and really fancies), the liberal society is forced to learn for themselves and will be forced by society. The "Protocols" are proving to be ideology in the strict sense, ie as "objectively socially necessary form of thought" (Marx).

is the criticism of anti-Semitism - as would the talk shows - ahead of even the materialist critique of liberalism, to the heritage and the mission of education at some preserved. For the liberal society is in itself anti-Semitic, and the Nazis "only" the barbaric consequences drawn from it.

Friday 18 March 2011, 19:30 clock, Jewish Girls' School Karoline Straße 35, 20357 Hamburg

Abraham Léon (1918 - 1944) - The anti-Zionism as the tragedy of a Jewish revolutionary

The substance of proletarian anti-Zionism, the active hope for the world revolution and his truth was only in this authenticity. This internationalism was on the simultaneity of revolutionary subjectivity involved, against the universal compulsory context of nations. Insofar as this subversive intention from the arsenals of Marxism is founded, fell into disrepair, the Jewish Nationalism, Zionism, and his founding of the state test in Palestine of a strict rejection. The Jewish Revolutionary Abraham Léon, the world spelled out to the last revolution in theory and practice must exploit to the bitter end, his work "The Jewish question. A Marxist view, "written in the underground during the Nazi-Fascist occupation of Belgium is in a the culmination of classical Marxist theory, as the same time, on this very historical apex, its envelope in ideology. The critical theory of the totality degenerates into sociology because society flees from their categories. As it has always been wrong, as the Trotskyist Léon want to believe, following the tradition of Bebel that anti-Semitism is an attempt at "big business", "the class hatred of the masses to divert attention from themselves," is also the proletarian anti-Zionism and thus the criticism that the "Zionist ideology" is only the "ideology of the Jewish petty bourgeoisie, which is crushed between the ruins of the dying feudalism and capitalism," that is an insane attempt to "solve the Jewish problem, regardless of the world revolution." But what was unfortunate for Leon that was left of the post-Nazi propaganda against the exact intention of their Israel and its efforts to blinded groundless "emancipatory anti-Zionism", which doubles the reflection denial of death once again, the Germans were the Jewish revolutionary Leon in 1944 to die in Auschwitz.

spoke Joachim Bruhn , contemporary of the ISF and the Freiburg ça ira-Verlag .

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Long For Blistex To Expire

"Mubarak, Ben Ali, now Seyed Ali (Khamenei)"

Dear friends and comrades, with summary executions, mass arrests, torture and forced death graves rest in Iran has been severely disrupted. In Tehran, as well as in Isfahan, Shiraz and Tabriz, closed on Today, 14 February, despite the murderous Repression, people on the street. You torn and burnt posters with the face of the highest representatives of the regime, Seyed Ali Khamenei, and slogans like "Death to the dictator" , "Death to the rule of the clerics' , chanted" Free the political prisoners " , "Mubarak, Ben Ali and now Seyed Ali (Khamenei)" and "non Gaza, not Lebanon, but Tunisia, Egypt and Iran" .

Now, Iran has begun the night, set fire to barricades and slogans like "Death to the (Supreme Leader) Khamenei " roared.

The state has become part of the earth, by the - less by compulsion than by intentional, ie, in full awareness of the disaster - is populated Germanized part of the suspended human species, is a politico-economic and ideological refuge for the Islamist regime executioner. The "JW", as weightiest newspaper of the German anti-imperialism, such as flanked the need for recognition of the regime to be a figment of authentic sovereignty, parliamentary figures from all major parties to honor the regime and apologisieren stoning of (forced) adulterous women as "cultural difference ", the German Contractor exported that needs the regime and the German policy is reluctant to sanction a bank in Hamburg, conducts the business of the existential right Islamist regime. On 27 February will be in Hamburg to protest against the latter (everything else here ). No Pasaran the German-Iranian complicity.

operated in these minutes, in Iran a solidarity that makes the human race was reconciled only imaginable. With the slogan "Not Gaza, not Lebanon, but Tunisia, Egypt and Iran" refuse the revolt of the bad tradition of anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung and to seek an association that links the national revolt against despotism each other, not the ravings against Israel. (Eats that in Egypt, anti-Semitism as an organized counter-revolution, the revolt and spits out a national complicity is not decided yet. Not only against the minions of the Ancien Régime, but above all against the pathic projections of anti-Semitism is the rebellion in Egypt to defend.)

Marg bar jomhurriye eslami, solidarity has to be practical!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Uti Brown Discharge 6 Weeks Pregnant

The suspended human species - a critique of the European Refugee Defense

The only man-present is the universality of the capital. The "secret of primitive accumulation," the Karl Marx as "extermination, enslavement, and burial" of human material, that is as systematic accumulation of misery and death riddled , lifted himself as a universal unfolding realization of the value as a fantastic transubstantiation of the phenomenal people in the fungible goods guardians, and were themselves again to the puzzle: the memory of the genesis of capital-socialization and especially to the national value appropriation is entirely suppressed and eliminated, naturalized the rule of man over man in the consciousness of the fetishistic kapitalkonstituierten individuals.

Universal capital and national sovereignty

absolute indifference over all in nationalist myths and racist rumors kept inequalities that identifies the human capital alone as its potential exploitation official. First of these capitalized and therefore unreal unity of humanity off, the only rational way of equitable integration, the downtrodden, destitute, and in the solidarity Verächtlichten human species, imaginable. Any spout of a "self-determination" of peoples and tribes, however, is regression: it reveals the true-to-implement individuation of the naturalized domination.

The sensation an honorable association such as "Pro Asyl" Discrimination make it impossible for the state, reflects indeed the universal ambition of capital-uniformity of the people as a market and therefore as entities, but glorified it the state for the worst: It is in reality the state of the kapitalkonstituierte unity of the species picks again and the need the man as worker satisfaction container for national integration. The state is not only the capital, because he takes care of the formalities of capitalist production, but also because through him the whole, ie, the reproduction of the capitalized company to survive. This totality but by the state impossible universal guaranteed because he purpose of the rule loyal mass lacking. The state of capital appeals now already been articulated: the capital form of socialization has torn through the first feudal to objectify them in the nation as fate and interest group in society, that requires the bourgeois subjectivity of national identification. Nation is, "to maintain immediacy, where everything is, in fact facilitated" (Gerhard Scheit, in: Suicide Attack, Critique of Political Violence ", ça ira Verlag, p. 208), is in it the capital-poor socialization seemingly abstract concrete : the equipping of the sensual but incomparable to the unitary character of the product is of a fantasy of national-identical individuals modeled. Because demand as the capital is the breathing agencies of the value recovery from state to state and nation: The earliest confrontation Warenmonaden with the crisis, totalizing lack of capital in their capital productivity, ie with their own non-recoverability, they wither under the sovereign that they by a competitor and separates einhegt with the others. Nation and people, as evidence of collective delusion, the naturalization of brazen coercion, identified by a state as guarantor of their own marketability to be. The state of the people is the absolutized psychiatry, in the fear and madness of the suspended species, ie, the nationalized details are kept.

National defense work and refugee

fact that the state sponsored the national work force and the nationalized labor einschwört container to itself as the only court of appeal, the rear of each social democracy. Oskar Lafontaine and Jürgen Elsässer are about just being honest when they think of true "good work" and "fair wages" to unautochthone with less labor in the German container production. Although the State may not, as the Nazi German state of willing and able to destroy people's community did, liberate the workforce container from the fear of being redundant, but at least he preserved their privilege as German, Press Austrians or French capital-productive at first to be allowed.

The death-defying people to flee from poverty, war and terrorism virtue Europe, compulsive as foreign competition and mass identified as "economic refugees" denounced, betrayed the domestic production of plaice to draw ours. vegetate in the absence of significant opposition outrage in the French Calais hundreds of people in the "jungle", a plastic garbage in the brush improvised quarters for the night - until it leveled in September 2009 with bulldozers and the refugees will be forced deeper into the forest to urge . In Greek Pagani be orphaned refugees detained for months - vacated the prison in October 2009, and the young people are exposed to a prompt departure at the port. Refugees in Italy, even children waiting, in the sewers from - from fruit from the police, the racist mob and deportations in the Libyan desert. And the Germans those people who identified collectively as the resentment unproductive, that is, as scrounging and straying to be deported to the pogrom hell Kosovo, where they face a life to lead-contaminated landfills.

During those involving the outer border of the European Union have climbed, up peeking be harassed and imprisoned or in misery on the legalization of their existence hope to die, hundreds of refugees every year for the venture to tackle the European migration Defense . The meticulous investigative blog "Fortress Europe" has in "El Pais, Le Monde, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica", etc. pp. recorded death of people who drowned in 1988 on the flight to Europe died of thirst, suffocated, or worn down by their captors were added together: at least 14 714 refugees died in the seemingly hopeless therefore endeavor to reach Europe. And : found on any refugee body, the UN Refugee Agency, came about 45 sunken corpses. These would be half a million dead refugees. have liquidated

Since the Germans de facto right of asylum: those refugees who enter a "safe third country" have no possibility to seek asylum, do the Greek, Italian, Libyan and Moroccan Front pigs active defense against refugees. As a cog in the other investigated zwangspazifisierte German national community, than the 'asylum seekers flood "(such as" Time ", 31/81) to expel or even was forced: as such in the Saxon Hoyerswerda the mob from itself ethnifying superfluous to pogromists acted out, boasted the same time (on 21 September 1991) compressive strength of the German newspaper a plebiscite organized by hand, therefore, 98 percent of its consumer policy for the rapid processing of asylum asking. Today in the anonymity of the comment feature that would "destroy the Germans called for by migration (such as daily and left no doubt that the man in the state of the Germans, this concentrate the wrong whole material, the threat from non-recoverability (and also Unautochthonität) the heap.

Smogon Hgss Rng Shiny Egg

protests in Afghanistan against executions of regime enemies in Iran

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hulk Xbox Walkthrough

protest in Kabul against the Iranian regime

On 13 January 2011 protested in Kabul about three hundred people against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Protesters outraged about the killings and torture of Afghan refugees by Iranian border guards. There were shouting slogans like "Death to the clerical regime in Iran" and burned the faces of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and printed Ali Khamenei. On banners we recalled the impending executions of the regime's enemies in Iran. Back in May 2010 was protested in Kabul , Jalalabad and Herat with anti-clerical slogans against the Iranian regime slave-driver. It recalled the previously executed "enemies of God" Farzad Kamangar and Shirin Alam Hooli and denounced the mass arrests, torture and executions of Afghan refugees and opium smugglers in Iran.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Red Flower Pin In England

protests in Iraqi Kurdistan against Islamist agitation

Next here and here .