Joachim Bruhn: a critique of the political economy of anti-Semitism (16.3 in Pinneberg) and Abraham Léon (18.3 in Hamburg)
Wednesday 16 March 2011, 19:30 clock, Jewish Community Pinneberg Clara Bertram-Weg 20, 25421 Pinneberg:
The political economy of anti-Semitism - on the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
If the conversation turns to the Anti-Semitism is, then mobilized the fraction of bourgeois society in Germany, which would still somehow seen as "liberal" and "enlightened" like theorems and words such as "prejudice", "resentment", "uninformed" or "Germanism". About the concept and ideology of the thing However, it remains silent out loud. This comes from the fact that the citizens, he feels even more so in the terminal, still the superstition of would because "thoughts are free" to distribute: the last white lie of the rule of the production, which he committed, for better or for worse feels. But the thoughts are not free. They think the to and also: behind, what you have to think to the socially totalized system of commodity exchange and also: to pass the capital accumulation can.
Nowhere is this symptom as clearly as in all the experiments, lies on the manifest character of the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to inform, the Nazis in 1920 and brought into circulation today - not just the "Charter of Hamas," it shows - is a bestseller, not only in Arab countries. Umpteen times, has been provided since the trial of Lausanne, 1934, and legal proof that it is the Protocols a forgery (the Tsarist secret) is never the question Hannah Arendt was addressed why they lie, all rational refutation Despite so mercilessly beats.
other words, if we examine, with Marx and Adorno, the political economy of the "Protocols", then we come in precisely the concepts of goods and money from Sovereignty and good government, which belong to the same ideas (and really fancies), the liberal society is forced to learn for themselves and will be forced by society. The "Protocols" are proving to be ideology in the strict sense, ie as "objectively socially necessary form of thought" (Marx).
is the criticism of anti-Semitism - as would the talk shows - ahead of even the materialist critique of liberalism, to the heritage and the mission of education at some preserved. For the liberal society is in itself anti-Semitic, and the Nazis "only" the barbaric consequences drawn from it.
Friday 18 March 2011, 19:30 clock, Jewish Girls' School Karoline Straße 35, 20357 Hamburg
Abraham Léon (1918 - 1944) - The anti-Zionism as the tragedy of a Jewish revolutionary
The substance of proletarian anti-Zionism, the active hope for the world revolution and his truth was only in this authenticity. This internationalism was on the simultaneity of revolutionary subjectivity involved, against the universal compulsory context of nations. Insofar as this subversive intention from the arsenals of Marxism is founded, fell into disrepair, the Jewish Nationalism, Zionism, and his founding of the state test in Palestine of a strict rejection. The Jewish Revolutionary Abraham Léon, the world spelled out to the last revolution in theory and practice must exploit to the bitter end, his work "The Jewish question. A Marxist view, "written in the underground during the Nazi-Fascist occupation of Belgium is in a the culmination of classical Marxist theory, as the same time, on this very historical apex, its envelope in ideology. The critical theory of the totality degenerates into sociology because society flees from their categories. As it has always been wrong, as the Trotskyist Léon want to believe, following the tradition of Bebel that anti-Semitism is an attempt at "big business", "the class hatred of the masses to divert attention from themselves," is also the proletarian anti-Zionism and thus the criticism that the "Zionist ideology" is only the "ideology of the Jewish petty bourgeoisie, which is crushed between the ruins of the dying feudalism and capitalism," that is an insane attempt to "solve the Jewish problem, regardless of the world revolution." But what was unfortunate for Leon that was left of the post-Nazi propaganda against the exact intention of their Israel and its efforts to blinded groundless "emancipatory anti-Zionism", which doubles the reflection denial of death once again, the Germans were the Jewish revolutionary Leon in 1944 to die in Auschwitz.
spoke Joachim Bruhn , contemporary of the ISF and the Freiburg ça ira-Verlag .
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