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Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wella Kolston Color Chart
Shalom Libertad
After 14 May was read 1948 Israeli Declaration of Independence by David Ben Gurion, in the neighboring countries were exhorted to peace and to "the living in Israel Arabs' appeal was made in" full civil equality and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions of the State to participate "in the founding of Israel, attacked in the night of 15 May, the regular armies of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and the Kingdom of Iraq (before adding even Saudi and Yemeni army units) and the "army of holy war" of the al-Husseini clan and that of the "Arab League" launched "Arab Errettungsarmee" the new state of the Shoa survivors.
The "Arab Errettungsarmee" was commanded by Fawzi al-Kaukji. Al-Kaukji, an experienced front-line fighters against the "Judeo-Bolshevism" was one of the pan-Arabists coup that intended to install in April 1941 a pro-German and anti-Semitic liberated satellite state in Iraq. As British army units fought the rebels to flight, avenged the nationalist mob of the Jewish population of Iraq. Solo 1 and 2 June 1941, in Baghdad killed at least 110 Jews. Al-Kaukji reached in July 1941 to Berlin, from where he propagated the rank of Army colonel, the German-Arab arms Brotherhood of "Jewish intelligence, Jewish treachery and Jewish acts of sabotage" (quoted in "Crescent and Swastika, p. 99). His commitment in Berlin, including the services of an aide and chauffeur include financing the OKW. For the work he later commanded "Arab Errettungsarmee" he recruited including Muslim comrades of the former 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS, the Bosniak "Handžar" also be separated and German Wehrmacht soldiers.
The "army of holy war" fugitive guerrillas recruited killers "Handžar. The commander of the Palestinian militia, Abdel al-Kader al-Husseini was a nephew and loyal blessed to be commandeered by Haji Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of that anti-Semitic murder, who aspired to participate in exile in Germany in the extermination of the Jews. Haji Amin, the Nazi leader and chief Heinrich Himmler to lieutenant general of the SS appointed mobilized from Berlin Muslims for the Nazis, was charged with the organization of the Bosnian Muslim "Handžar" and added, Dieter Wisliceny the SEC Eichmann following, and Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers and inspected. When it became known in February 1943 that the German satellite state of Bulgaria, a quote from the British government was presented to help 5,000 Jewish children to the Palestinian exile, urged Haji Amin the Bulgarian foreign minister of the need to "these hostile elements and their decomposition activity through espionage, weakening of morality, spread of communist ideas and paralysis of economic life "defend and deport them to where they are harmless - such as" Poland "(ibid., p. 117 f.), that is to Majdanek (at least 59 000 murdered Jews), Belzec ( 400,000 Jews murdered), Sobibor (up to 250,000 Jews killed), Kulmhof (more than 145,000 Jews killed), Treblinka (700,000 murdered Jews) and Auschwitz (over 1.1 million murdered Jews).
The murder Mufti Haji Amin died until 4 July 1974 in Beirut Lebanon. After the German capitulation, he fled to Paris to Cairo, where he coordinated the anti-Zionist front of Islamic awakening moving, pan-Arabists exiled agitators and German National Socialists. Johann von Leers, one of the major Nazi publicists ("Will and Way), was welcomed personally by the Mufti in Cairo. Von Leers converted to Islam and acted as Omar Amin in the Egyptian Ministry of Information. Leopold Gleim, previously was responsible for the Gestapo-sector "Jewish Affairs" organized in Poland, now in Cairo, the Egyptian Gestapo. And hereby are just two of dozens of SS-called killers, which were integrated by the Egyptian ODESSA community and is at war against Israel committed. Later came even German engineers and physicists to Egypt, where they constructed for the Nasser regime rocket systems.
Fawzi al-Kutub, another Nazi collaborator coordinated the attacks of the "Army of the Holy War" - he broke including the Nissan Bek Synagogue and the Hurva and massacred on 22 February 1948 58 people on the Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem. Al-Kutub had his skill to handle, with TNT, during a one-year training of the Waffen-SS appropriated. Besides those mentioned, there were other politicians and military strategists of the pan-Arabists and Palestinian revival Nazi collaborators: About Jamal al-Husseini, founder of the Palestinian-Arab party, "and brother of Haji Amin, or the later Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who still 1. May 1964 in the Deutsche National-Zeitung "his sympathies for the German National Socialism, yes. from
While the anti-Zionist regime and Palestinian militias German resources in the murder of the Jews drew suffered, the Jewish army units under an arms embargo to which the U.S. and the British government insisted (moreover, the British Royal Air Force nor the end of April bombing of 1948, the Jewish Bat Yam, the Haganah to ) weaken. There were now Czech arms deliveries, which enabled to fend off the anti-Semitic aggression. Only by the Czech fighter series Avia S-199 pilots and trained them in Bohemia, Israel received a air force . The hunters were cut and an air bridge - the "Operation Balak" - Supplied. With the Czech machine guns could be prevented the siege of Jerusalem, where the population is already malnourished of cactus.
Moreover, it came in the recruitment of "Czech Brigade". Shmuel Mikunis, Jewish General Secretary of the Communist Party of Palestine, "traveled to this on 8 March 1948 Sofia, where he met Georgi Dimitrov, the Israel assured of its solidarity. On 21 June called Mikunis in Prague to defend Israel. In a few weeks, it managed to recruit about 1,000 Brigadists. In winter 1948/49 we shipped the brigade of Trieste, Italy to Israel. All this was done with the approval of the Soviet Union.
But the Soviet state ideology of Marxism than Russia's modernizing regime perpetuated the fetishized forms of capital rule - the state, nation, work and money - and was therefore forced to exorcise the ongoing crisis in the precarious business, the national government domestication of the capital. And as soon ended the affair with Israel against the anti-Semitic aggression - not only in geo-strategic calculus. In the People's Republics of the state capitalist regime soon reverted to the nationalist and anti-Semitic sentiments of Jewish "cosmopolitanism Kulturimperialimus and intellectualism. In the winter of 1949 was in the Soviet Union's anti-Semitic campaign against the "rootless cosmopolitan" pushed - the libraries of Yiddish literature as a Boris Pasternak cleaned, Jewish theater critic for "Unpatriotismus" indicted and soon after, the comrades of the "Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee" in which she met with the cultural vanguard of the Soviet Union liquidated. In the Czech sister nation of Israel was on 3 December 1952, the Jewish General Secretary of the Communist Party, Rudolf Slansky was executed.
Israel could indeed slow down the anti-Semitic aggression, but do not free the human race by anti-Semitism. In the hysterical characterization of the Jews as ritual murderer as bacteria and microbes or cancers constantly breaks through the anti-Semitic murder fantasy : that the salvation of the peoples, that is the murderous reconciliation of the irreconcilable, the extermination of the Jewish anti-humanity. , The Jew 'is here the medium of absolute disaster. Sun outraged to Haji Amin on the bare legs of Jewish girls, "demoralize our youth," and other Jewish abortions, such as "the cinema, theater," infiltrating "like snakes in our houses and farms" and the Hamas Charter states that had any sedition, subversion, and revolution against the incumbent government Jewish.
speaks in anti-Semitism, the truth about the society as a fatality as a "single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage" (W. Benjamin). At the insistence of the limited, because of subject-like individuals in the society of the goods the riddle of the capital ratio in the concretion of the abstract - in this case the self-concealing synthesis by the "social hieroglyph" of value - to solve anti-Semitism generated as a base ideology capital- Socialization. It is the specific rule in the production sphere in which the human being is a "living appendage of the machine" (K. Marx), which as a natural form of society against the sabotage of the community of fate - for example by vices such as the "deadly sin Greed" - is prepared ideologically. The sabotaging nonidentical with the ideological as production joint state of the capital, provoking the inmates of the society, because truthfully recalled how unreasonable it is that the senses so foolish like the things of life among the socially unitary character of the product may be forced to be in Be ready Jews ever reproduced images. In the ideology of capital atoms, ie, the individual members of society, will rule naturalized compulsively, that good '- the national currency, the factory, the state and its metaphysical form: the people - from' Evil '- the speculative, abstract, Destructive - split off. For this purpose, it requires the projection onto the decked out with anti-Semitic associations shows that impotence, which sabotage the reconciled fate in production, ie, the naturalized domination the 'lifeblood' Press-out , and wandering how the money circulates in the capital, but never in harmony with the Earthroot could be productive.
to companies in absolute terms for the capital superfluous, to be virtuous terrorist of the market and production are coupled Gangland racquets, not only the split-off crisis moments exorcised capital-socialization, but any aftertaste of a bourgeois subjectivity, that is the weak memory of it, as the guardian of the ( now completely unnecessary) labor power to sustain itself. Propagated by the secular-nationalist regime still seeks to modernize perspective, the Islamist Brosamenwohlfahrtsregime only nor the administration of misery with the interests of the masses to commit to fidelity. Here is the rearing of children no longer a precarious capitalist reproduction, but the recruitment of an anti-Semitic sealed community of martyrs who sacrifice their own sprouts in the total redundancy.
Israel, can also cope with because of a fleeting moment of socialist solidarity, the anti-Semitic hatred. The expenses of the founding of the state, ie the separation of the state of the nation's population, the empirical constitution of man as a nationalist citizen, etc. pp., Are the "tribute to the world as it is," Horkheimer noted soberly. The critics of anti-Semitism fact, the Zionist nationalist liberation were forced in response to the barbarism, the state and nation to appropriate in order to survive in these circumstances upside of states and nations. Israel has "assimilated" (M. Horkheimer) and yet remains the only state that the "his undoubted legitimacy" has to be agreed only if one is not willing to reflect anti-Semitism as hatred of the liberated mankind. For the people in Gaza and Nablus is: an emancipatory perspective can only be given in the appeal to the Israeli declaration of independence in the wider friendship appeal: So by the German-Arab collaboration revised and renounced anti-Semitic frenzy is.
Recommended reading:
The authors of "Crescent and Swastika" meticulously analyzed the archived documents of the AA, RSHA, OKW, etc. pp. sufficient to establish in detail the German-Arab collaboration. In
"A glass of wine on the Israeli-Yarden Golan found next to controversy and heresy to the" war against Israel and the Palestinian Historical Nazi collaboration and their continuities.
The CMO study "Mufti-Letters documented letters, memoranda, etc. pp. Haji Amin in exile in Germany.
The reading of "The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis" also offers "a political biography of Haji Amin.
After 14 May was read 1948 Israeli Declaration of Independence by David Ben Gurion, in the neighboring countries were exhorted to peace and to "the living in Israel Arabs' appeal was made in" full civil equality and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions of the State to participate "in the founding of Israel, attacked in the night of 15 May, the regular armies of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and the Kingdom of Iraq (before adding even Saudi and Yemeni army units) and the "army of holy war" of the al-Husseini clan and that of the "Arab League" launched "Arab Errettungsarmee" the new state of the Shoa survivors.
The "Arab Errettungsarmee" was commanded by Fawzi al-Kaukji. Al-Kaukji, an experienced front-line fighters against the "Judeo-Bolshevism" was one of the pan-Arabists coup that intended to install in April 1941 a pro-German and anti-Semitic liberated satellite state in Iraq. As British army units fought the rebels to flight, avenged the nationalist mob of the Jewish population of Iraq. Solo 1 and 2 June 1941, in Baghdad killed at least 110 Jews. Al-Kaukji reached in July 1941 to Berlin, from where he propagated the rank of Army colonel, the German-Arab arms Brotherhood of "Jewish intelligence, Jewish treachery and Jewish acts of sabotage" (quoted in "Crescent and Swastika, p. 99). His commitment in Berlin, including the services of an aide and chauffeur include financing the OKW. For the work he later commanded "Arab Errettungsarmee" he recruited including Muslim comrades of the former 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS, the Bosniak "Handžar" also be separated and German Wehrmacht soldiers.
The "army of holy war" fugitive guerrillas recruited killers "Handžar. The commander of the Palestinian militia, Abdel al-Kader al-Husseini was a nephew and loyal blessed to be commandeered by Haji Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of that anti-Semitic murder, who aspired to participate in exile in Germany in the extermination of the Jews. Haji Amin, the Nazi leader and chief Heinrich Himmler to lieutenant general of the SS appointed mobilized from Berlin Muslims for the Nazis, was charged with the organization of the Bosnian Muslim "Handžar" and added, Dieter Wisliceny the SEC Eichmann following, and Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers and inspected. When it became known in February 1943 that the German satellite state of Bulgaria, a quote from the British government was presented to help 5,000 Jewish children to the Palestinian exile, urged Haji Amin the Bulgarian foreign minister of the need to "these hostile elements and their decomposition activity through espionage, weakening of morality, spread of communist ideas and paralysis of economic life "defend and deport them to where they are harmless - such as" Poland "(ibid., p. 117 f.), that is to Majdanek (at least 59 000 murdered Jews), Belzec ( 400,000 Jews murdered), Sobibor (up to 250,000 Jews killed), Kulmhof (more than 145,000 Jews killed), Treblinka (700,000 murdered Jews) and Auschwitz (over 1.1 million murdered Jews).
The murder Mufti Haji Amin died until 4 July 1974 in Beirut Lebanon. After the German capitulation, he fled to Paris to Cairo, where he coordinated the anti-Zionist front of Islamic awakening moving, pan-Arabists exiled agitators and German National Socialists. Johann von Leers, one of the major Nazi publicists ("Will and Way), was welcomed personally by the Mufti in Cairo. Von Leers converted to Islam and acted as Omar Amin in the Egyptian Ministry of Information. Leopold Gleim, previously was responsible for the Gestapo-sector "Jewish Affairs" organized in Poland, now in Cairo, the Egyptian Gestapo. And hereby are just two of dozens of SS-called killers, which were integrated by the Egyptian ODESSA community and is at war against Israel committed. Later came even German engineers and physicists to Egypt, where they constructed for the Nasser regime rocket systems.
Fawzi al-Kutub, another Nazi collaborator coordinated the attacks of the "Army of the Holy War" - he broke including the Nissan Bek Synagogue and the Hurva and massacred on 22 February 1948 58 people on the Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem. Al-Kutub had his skill to handle, with TNT, during a one-year training of the Waffen-SS appropriated. Besides those mentioned, there were other politicians and military strategists of the pan-Arabists and Palestinian revival Nazi collaborators: About Jamal al-Husseini, founder of the Palestinian-Arab party, "and brother of Haji Amin, or the later Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who still 1. May 1964 in the Deutsche National-Zeitung "his sympathies for the German National Socialism, yes. from
While the anti-Zionist regime and Palestinian militias German resources in the murder of the Jews drew suffered, the Jewish army units under an arms embargo to which the U.S. and the British government insisted (moreover, the British Royal Air Force nor the end of April bombing of 1948, the Jewish Bat Yam, the Haganah to ) weaken. There were now Czech arms deliveries, which enabled to fend off the anti-Semitic aggression. Only by the Czech fighter series Avia S-199 pilots and trained them in Bohemia, Israel received a air force . The hunters were cut and an air bridge - the "Operation Balak" - Supplied. With the Czech machine guns could be prevented the siege of Jerusalem, where the population is already malnourished of cactus.
Moreover, it came in the recruitment of "Czech Brigade". Shmuel Mikunis, Jewish General Secretary of the Communist Party of Palestine, "traveled to this on 8 March 1948 Sofia, where he met Georgi Dimitrov, the Israel assured of its solidarity. On 21 June called Mikunis in Prague to defend Israel. In a few weeks, it managed to recruit about 1,000 Brigadists. In winter 1948/49 we shipped the brigade of Trieste, Italy to Israel. All this was done with the approval of the Soviet Union.
But the Soviet state ideology of Marxism than Russia's modernizing regime perpetuated the fetishized forms of capital rule - the state, nation, work and money - and was therefore forced to exorcise the ongoing crisis in the precarious business, the national government domestication of the capital. And as soon ended the affair with Israel against the anti-Semitic aggression - not only in geo-strategic calculus. In the People's Republics of the state capitalist regime soon reverted to the nationalist and anti-Semitic sentiments of Jewish "cosmopolitanism Kulturimperialimus and intellectualism. In the winter of 1949 was in the Soviet Union's anti-Semitic campaign against the "rootless cosmopolitan" pushed - the libraries of Yiddish literature as a Boris Pasternak cleaned, Jewish theater critic for "Unpatriotismus" indicted and soon after, the comrades of the "Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee" in which she met with the cultural vanguard of the Soviet Union liquidated. In the Czech sister nation of Israel was on 3 December 1952, the Jewish General Secretary of the Communist Party, Rudolf Slansky was executed.
Israel could indeed slow down the anti-Semitic aggression, but do not free the human race by anti-Semitism. In the hysterical characterization of the Jews as ritual murderer as bacteria and microbes or cancers constantly breaks through the anti-Semitic murder fantasy : that the salvation of the peoples, that is the murderous reconciliation of the irreconcilable, the extermination of the Jewish anti-humanity. , The Jew 'is here the medium of absolute disaster. Sun outraged to Haji Amin on the bare legs of Jewish girls, "demoralize our youth," and other Jewish abortions, such as "the cinema, theater," infiltrating "like snakes in our houses and farms" and the Hamas Charter states that had any sedition, subversion, and revolution against the incumbent government Jewish.
speaks in anti-Semitism, the truth about the society as a fatality as a "single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage" (W. Benjamin). At the insistence of the limited, because of subject-like individuals in the society of the goods the riddle of the capital ratio in the concretion of the abstract - in this case the self-concealing synthesis by the "social hieroglyph" of value - to solve anti-Semitism generated as a base ideology capital- Socialization. It is the specific rule in the production sphere in which the human being is a "living appendage of the machine" (K. Marx), which as a natural form of society against the sabotage of the community of fate - for example by vices such as the "deadly sin Greed" - is prepared ideologically. The sabotaging nonidentical with the ideological as production joint state of the capital, provoking the inmates of the society, because truthfully recalled how unreasonable it is that the senses so foolish like the things of life among the socially unitary character of the product may be forced to be in Be ready Jews ever reproduced images. In the ideology of capital atoms, ie, the individual members of society, will rule naturalized compulsively, that good '- the national currency, the factory, the state and its metaphysical form: the people - from' Evil '- the speculative, abstract, Destructive - split off. For this purpose, it requires the projection onto the decked out with anti-Semitic associations shows that impotence, which sabotage the reconciled fate in production, ie, the naturalized domination the 'lifeblood' Press-out , and wandering how the money circulates in the capital, but never in harmony with the Earthroot could be productive.
to companies in absolute terms for the capital superfluous, to be virtuous terrorist of the market and production are coupled Gangland racquets, not only the split-off crisis moments exorcised capital-socialization, but any aftertaste of a bourgeois subjectivity, that is the weak memory of it, as the guardian of the ( now completely unnecessary) labor power to sustain itself. Propagated by the secular-nationalist regime still seeks to modernize perspective, the Islamist Brosamenwohlfahrtsregime only nor the administration of misery with the interests of the masses to commit to fidelity. Here is the rearing of children no longer a precarious capitalist reproduction, but the recruitment of an anti-Semitic sealed community of martyrs who sacrifice their own sprouts in the total redundancy.
Israel, can also cope with because of a fleeting moment of socialist solidarity, the anti-Semitic hatred. The expenses of the founding of the state, ie the separation of the state of the nation's population, the empirical constitution of man as a nationalist citizen, etc. pp., Are the "tribute to the world as it is," Horkheimer noted soberly. The critics of anti-Semitism fact, the Zionist nationalist liberation were forced in response to the barbarism, the state and nation to appropriate in order to survive in these circumstances upside of states and nations. Israel has "assimilated" (M. Horkheimer) and yet remains the only state that the "his undoubted legitimacy" has to be agreed only if one is not willing to reflect anti-Semitism as hatred of the liberated mankind. For the people in Gaza and Nablus is: an emancipatory perspective can only be given in the appeal to the Israeli declaration of independence in the wider friendship appeal: So by the German-Arab collaboration revised and renounced anti-Semitic frenzy is.
Recommended reading:
The authors of "Crescent and Swastika" meticulously analyzed the archived documents of the AA, RSHA, OKW, etc. pp. sufficient to establish in detail the German-Arab collaboration. In
"A glass of wine on the Israeli-Yarden Golan found next to controversy and heresy to the" war against Israel and the Palestinian Historical Nazi collaboration and their continuities.
The CMO study "Mufti-Letters documented letters, memoranda, etc. pp. Haji Amin in exile in Germany.
The reading of "The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis" also offers "a political biography of Haji Amin.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Coffin Blueprints Free
Coming soon ...
I have long posted a blog entry, and even my good friend Captain, who is currently in Panama skypte me yesterday late in the evening and asked what going on because was.
I will try this weekend, opening receptions, which report to Vienna Fair, a great upcoming photographers and many other things that I ran into this month! Be panned!
Beautiful Pentecost,
I have long posted a blog entry, and even my good friend Captain, who is currently in Panama skypte me yesterday late in the evening and asked what going on because was.
I will try this weekend, opening receptions, which report to Vienna Fair, a great upcoming photographers and many other things that I ran into this month! Be panned!
Beautiful Pentecost,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Anyone Dry Up After Ovulation But End Up Pregnant
protests against the executions of political prisoners in the Islamic Republic of Iran
On 9 May have been executed in the Islamic Republic of Iran's political prisoners Farzad Kamangar , Shirin Alam Hooli , Heydariyan Ali, Farhad Vakili and Mehdi Eslamian . The five murder victims was "at enmity with God" accused, the four first named were suspected of "Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistan", in short, PJAK to be related. Now threaten the executions of 27 other political prisoners, the "enmity against God", which alleged capital crime be appointed against the Islamic state, were found guilty. Moreover, some relatives of those executed are imprisoned .
are While about "young world" , Venezuelan caudillo Hugo Chávez and other anti-imperialists the Iranian executioners Republic, in the humble, the grafter "Mujahedin on the path of God" , to keep faith, there was today in protest against the executions to general strike in Iran's Kordestan province. In Turkey, Iran neighboring province of Hakkari (especially here in Yuksekova, Semdinli and Çukurca) occurred yesterday Protests. Iranian border guards on a hail stones. In Paris , London and Oslo the embassies of the Islamic Republic of Iran were attacked.
are While about "young world" , Venezuelan caudillo Hugo Chávez and other anti-imperialists the Iranian executioners Republic, in the humble, the grafter "Mujahedin on the path of God" , to keep faith, there was today in protest against the executions to general strike in Iran's Kordestan province. In Turkey, Iran neighboring province of Hakkari (especially here in Yuksekova, Semdinli and Çukurca) occurred yesterday Protests. Iranian border guards on a hail stones. In Paris , London and Oslo the embassies of the Islamic Republic of Iran were attacked.
protests in Iraqi Kurdistan (here: Arbil ) was
in Kabul on 6 May against executions and mass incarceration of Afghan refugees in Iran demonstrates . In the slogans was the "criminal clerical regime in Tehran denounced and solidarity with the revolt in Iran demanded. According to Afghan Foreign Ministry are imprisoned in Afghanistan to 5,000 native people in Iran. About half of them could result in opium smuggling, the death penalty and six Afghans were already executed. On today, 13 May up to 5,000 people demonstrated in Jalalabad against Afghan executions. They carried portraits of Farzad Kamangar, in slogans demanding the "death of despotism in Kabul and Tehran" and attacked the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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