end of a night - One Nights End
Even today Romy Schneider's death has not been solved still. Now, thirty years
after the most glamourous German filmstar of the 20th century passed away, Olaf
Kraemer has written the novel of her last night, a chronicle of a death foretold:
One Night’s End (Blumenbar Verlag, 2009, 188p.). In atmospherically thick prose
Kraemer tells us the dramatic tale of the life of one of this great artist: the tale of
her desperate affairs, of her deep love for her son and the heartrending grief she felt
when he died young, and of her difficult relationship to her mother, Magda
Schneider, who was a famous actress in Nazi Germany. On the eve of her death she
confronts her mother with this dark chapter in her family’s history.
Olaf Kraemer worked for over a decade as an author, journalist and documentary filmmaker
in the United States.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
New Super Mario Bros Wii Pink Question Mark Hint
marched the people, the capital is rooted
The Jobbik party which annoys that the Jewish and ziganistische 'population, which nest in the Hungarian People's host, was not covered statistically, but only 16.7 percent of the united, democratic-conscious' Hungarians up. But on the Fidesz party, something like the legitimate mother of the party Jobbik account for another 52.8 percent of those Hungarians who on 11 April, decided who was to govern their country 'now. Three candidates of the Jobbik moved last year already in the European parliament. One of them, Krisztina Morvai, which also teaches at the Law Faculty of the University of Budapest, is concerned that the Hungarians on to Palestinians be their own piece of land. The Hungarian honorary Palestinian is therefore of the "Tehran Times", in which the Islamic Republic of Iran expresses, as anti-Zionist agitator loaded. (Rumors say the Jobbik party is co-financed by the IRI contacts between the Hungarian National Socialists and the Iranian regime have been confirmed:. This traveled a fellow of the Hungarian group "Lelkiismeret '88" to Tehran Shoaleugner Colloquium "myth Holocaust.")
On one of the posters with which the Jobbik party decorated the home fronts, the face of Israeli President Peres is seen Star of David which has a blackened half covered, contrasts this is the symbol of the Arrow Cross, the sister party of the Hungarian Nazi party, and the slogan: "occupiers but your mother, but not our country." Gabor Vona, leader of the young Jobbik party and militia-like from their arms, the "Hungarian Guard", suspects that Israel had conspired to have auserkort Hungary as a Jewish colony. It is an economic inventory for the purpose of identifying Jewish property in Hungary necessary in order to demonstrate the systematic plunder of the Hungarian production community. Blame here are the only indigenous allegedly accomplices, before all the politicians of the "Hungarian Socialist Party," which are concerned with barely coded anti-Semitic scorn. Applicable provisions were up to now the Hungarian Parliament as a "synagogue on Kossuth Square," "smoke out" which was. Particularly persistent here acts of anti-Semitic myth of, Judeobolschewismus ', which deals with the, homeless finance capital' have conspired.
The Fidesz member of parliament and mayor of Edelény, Oszkár Molnár rants, noted that "Jewish capital" Hungary swallow and pregnant, gypsies' their bellies with blows , To maltreat their children with disabilities to maximize Wohlfahrtsschröpfung. In the newspaper "Magyar Hirlap" sparkled with the Association of the Fidesz party contractor Széles Gabor, something like the Hungarian Alfred Hugenberg, 'Gypsies' notoriously concerned with animal metaphors. But the antiziganism is not only verbal. In recent years it came to verhäuft murders of people living in the impoverished, Zigeuner' settlements. In February last year, in Tatárszentgyörgy a father and his five-year-old son put to death with a shotgun, before the two were set alight in her hut fled. In August, in Kisléta murdered a mother her three year old daughter survived scarce. In recent weeks, it came again to anti-Semitic violence .
Two years ago, nearly 900 guardsmen were sworn in, strutted Gábor Vona, that the "Hungarian Guard" had only nine months after its creation more than the regular army defending the country in Hungary stationed soldiers. The paramilitary guard, which the foundation following the call "physically, mentally and emotionally vulnerable" defend Hungary, has been banned from the Budapest Court in July last year, but when the militia marched, often combines with prominent politicians such as former Defense Minister For Lajos, remains the laggard mostly police. Especially for alleged illegalities in, Zigeuner' settlements leaves the police of the Jobbik Milliz, education '. By the early Fidesz Prime Minister Victor Orbán recommended weekly Magyar Demokrata " advises also to reactivate the" Hungarian police "of the anti-Semitic regimes of collaboration at the Regent Miklós Horthy. The Gendarmerie has until 9 July 1944 hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews beaten within a few weeks in those cars that went to Auschwitz. A "culture police", the "Magyar Demokrata," should also the libraries from the literature, the strangers', especially by the Jewish-Hungarian author Gyorgy Spiro, Gyorgy Konrad and Peter Nadas, "clean" .
Fetish Nation
The nation is "the ongoing effort to put the state in the categories of families - while it can actually take the family only in the categories of states. Nation is to say to say immediacy, where in truth everything taught, "said Gerhard Scheit (in:. Suicide Attack Critique of Political Violence, ça ira Verlag). National ideology generated from the brazen coercion, with the identification of a State, a natural balance: An organic ties of the individual to the political sovereign. In the nation is any non-identity, all of which abstracts the equality of goods guardian, in the form of identity brought out ", the Incomparable be fantasized as same" as the essential character of a national community of fate, which was held in each country, man.
National consciousness reveals the identification with the state, "empathy for an apparatus," said Sheik. But the nationalist appeals not necessarily on the empirical state, which is denounced as an opportunity for corrupt and vassals, that is, by way of mischief. To assume is a "double life of the state, made possible by the nation: an inner and an outer existence, as an immortal and a mortal than perceived. "
"The contemporaries of absolutism," said Sheik, "saw the state often have a perfect machine - where all the wheels and engines fit on the most accurate one another, and the Regent only, Foreman 'is that, first driving force' or, soul ', that everything is in motion. The Untertarnen had to assume, however, inevitably in this comparison as the wretched workers, the whole subject to the laws of the mechanical division of labor, lost all autonomy and individuality had. " If the state is a machine, however, and the people are subscribed to their function as a cog of the capitalist wheels, eventually leaving only two possibilities: the revolutionary tribunal of the state or the flight into the ideology of national sovereignty - the authentic power of the own 'in the People's State. The state is immortalized in its metaphysical form: the people, a nature-like relationship, which eliminates the redundancy of an isolated individual, and - as a growing membership in the body politic coded - guaranteed capital of self recovery. "The identification of the citizen," ie, the uniformity of the individuals to be considered as legal entities, as free and equal goods guardian , "which requires it of all the differences, needs a counterweight in the interior of the citizens: the equality must be concrete, as concrete can be understood - or they will remain in consciousness of what it is: an imposition from outside, poor abstraction ". The "socially Concrete" sudden domination of the abstract of the bourgeois state around, "as the pseudo-concrete, as a national content again - and is unrecognizable."
value in the ground and anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung
The more the individual is confronted by the capital association with its own waste, the more decisive is the need to project their own redundancy and to weld the unit with the state and nation. The capital ratio, constitute under which the individuals as politico-economic subjects and that they are unnecessary reveals is split: into a nature-like production sphere, a realm of fair wages, nature-like form of commodities and regionalization money fetish, and in a parasitic speculation sphere in which the people are the value of its self-expansion brought feels. Everything we to an abandoned and exploited Being reduced, which forces us to live as superfluous functionaries of the self-expansion can only be focused where it appears as a power without limits or misdeed asocial characters: The 'honest' body to wear, drudgery, the Community-conscious' complicit labor front in the sphere of production be the one that, parasitic 'acting in the sphere of speculation completely different. Off columns, resulting from the same: the total socialization under the direction of capital accumulation.
The capital-socialization can not be deciphered without the existence of their own reasons openly in the goods movement critical reflection, for "has its own social movement" for their subjects kapitalkonstituierten "the form of a movement of things" (Marx) - the social mediation by the "social hieroglyph" of the value. The work is related to the goods as guardians of the Agency of their civil qualities, as the intermediary between the individual atoms of capital, as the enslaved men complain about their poor self-exploitation as their natural right.
, formed by physical and mental hardships of the most varied products to value in money but imperceptible. Thus, the money appears to be magic, but to taming, otherwise sabotaging productivity monster. In truth, the only money circulating in the capital, the form in expressing the value of all goods. In money, as Marx noted the location of other goods "their own value as a finished form before an out and find them existing commercial body" (in: Das Kapital, Volume 1, MEW 23:107).
The ideological division of the capital ratio allows a makeshift reconciliation of the superfluous with their commodified existence as officials of the self-recovery: a precarious peace in the national community, which in consequence, as anti-Semitic and racist people's war against the Saboteurs of the production community expresses. Because the limited individual, in which the "silent compulsion of economic relations" (Marx) subjectivized, the capital ratio becomes second nature, it looks for those who challenge the fate and allegedly aware of the magical moments make 'capital-socialization: The Jews, who thought to realize as liberal or communist internationalists civic promise of happiness as a concrete emancipation and their forced mobility is associated with the ratio of capital ideologically split off speculation sphere.
"The rapacious predatory spirit of different kind people who have never had the air of the work known who moved restlessly from place to place, which never could take root, not ascended erdverwachsen in slow development towards higher culture, but with their restless, moving spirit and with their money from country to country changed, "characterized Gottfried Feder, venturous 'entrepreneurs and national socialist economists and politicians, Jewish, anti-nation' (quoted in here ) and reveals what it has to be as a full member of the German nation: State, plaice and factory loyal and industrious in blissful harmony with Earthroot. Only after the exiles in the rough- Competitors were forced and hired in the factories, they developed an awareness of the lean soil, from which they preferred to be grown and for this country, now rooted in the factory and barracks, 'to sacrifice their own lives.
Private property is the National Socialists Gottfried Feder essentially as a man: it "is deeply rooted in the Aryan beings," the binding to the "creative personality" prevent any anti-social moment. The propagation of a German "plant community" (G. Spring), the "community of values and valuable creative fellow" (Hans Reupke) and the "community of Indeed "(Reinhard Höhn) runs through the entire Nazi literature. The coding of socialization as the eternal capital-pottering in the production organism, ie, the baptism of the factory as worthy of protection nest of the Community, must be contrasted with an anti-nation, the curse of the capital-to avert crises. With the fervor of Christian anti-Semitism, the Jews in God's murder 'laments culminating conspirators against the incumbent government, outraged by the social monad now, the Jews and the' unproductive 'Gypsies' mock what she was to nature: capital productivity as a creative collective delusion value in the ground diligent ants.
solidarity with the destitute in the national community.
anti-Semitism against anyone and antiziganism .
The Jobbik party which annoys that the Jewish and ziganistische 'population, which nest in the Hungarian People's host, was not covered statistically, but only 16.7 percent of the united, democratic-conscious' Hungarians up. But on the Fidesz party, something like the legitimate mother of the party Jobbik account for another 52.8 percent of those Hungarians who on 11 April, decided who was to govern their country 'now. Three candidates of the Jobbik moved last year already in the European parliament. One of them, Krisztina Morvai, which also teaches at the Law Faculty of the University of Budapest, is concerned that the Hungarians on to Palestinians be their own piece of land. The Hungarian honorary Palestinian is therefore of the "Tehran Times", in which the Islamic Republic of Iran expresses, as anti-Zionist agitator loaded. (Rumors say the Jobbik party is co-financed by the IRI contacts between the Hungarian National Socialists and the Iranian regime have been confirmed:. This traveled a fellow of the Hungarian group "Lelkiismeret '88" to Tehran Shoaleugner Colloquium "myth Holocaust.")
On one of the posters with which the Jobbik party decorated the home fronts, the face of Israeli President Peres is seen Star of David which has a blackened half covered, contrasts this is the symbol of the Arrow Cross, the sister party of the Hungarian Nazi party, and the slogan: "occupiers but your mother, but not our country." Gabor Vona, leader of the young Jobbik party and militia-like from their arms, the "Hungarian Guard", suspects that Israel had conspired to have auserkort Hungary as a Jewish colony. It is an economic inventory for the purpose of identifying Jewish property in Hungary necessary in order to demonstrate the systematic plunder of the Hungarian production community. Blame here are the only indigenous allegedly accomplices, before all the politicians of the "Hungarian Socialist Party," which are concerned with barely coded anti-Semitic scorn. Applicable provisions were up to now the Hungarian Parliament as a "synagogue on Kossuth Square," "smoke out" which was. Particularly persistent here acts of anti-Semitic myth of, Judeobolschewismus ', which deals with the, homeless finance capital' have conspired.
The Fidesz member of parliament and mayor of Edelény, Oszkár Molnár rants, noted that "Jewish capital" Hungary swallow and pregnant, gypsies' their bellies with blows , To maltreat their children with disabilities to maximize Wohlfahrtsschröpfung. In the newspaper "Magyar Hirlap" sparkled with the Association of the Fidesz party contractor Széles Gabor, something like the Hungarian Alfred Hugenberg, 'Gypsies' notoriously concerned with animal metaphors. But the antiziganism is not only verbal. In recent years it came to verhäuft murders of people living in the impoverished, Zigeuner' settlements. In February last year, in Tatárszentgyörgy a father and his five-year-old son put to death with a shotgun, before the two were set alight in her hut fled. In August, in Kisléta murdered a mother her three year old daughter survived scarce. In recent weeks, it came again to anti-Semitic violence .
Two years ago, nearly 900 guardsmen were sworn in, strutted Gábor Vona, that the "Hungarian Guard" had only nine months after its creation more than the regular army defending the country in Hungary stationed soldiers. The paramilitary guard, which the foundation following the call "physically, mentally and emotionally vulnerable" defend Hungary, has been banned from the Budapest Court in July last year, but when the militia marched, often combines with prominent politicians such as former Defense Minister For Lajos, remains the laggard mostly police. Especially for alleged illegalities in, Zigeuner' settlements leaves the police of the Jobbik Milliz, education '. By the early Fidesz Prime Minister Victor Orbán recommended weekly Magyar Demokrata " advises also to reactivate the" Hungarian police "of the anti-Semitic regimes of collaboration at the Regent Miklós Horthy. The Gendarmerie has until 9 July 1944 hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews beaten within a few weeks in those cars that went to Auschwitz. A "culture police", the "Magyar Demokrata," should also the libraries from the literature, the strangers', especially by the Jewish-Hungarian author Gyorgy Spiro, Gyorgy Konrad and Peter Nadas, "clean" .
Fetish Nation
The nation is "the ongoing effort to put the state in the categories of families - while it can actually take the family only in the categories of states. Nation is to say to say immediacy, where in truth everything taught, "said Gerhard Scheit (in:. Suicide Attack Critique of Political Violence, ça ira Verlag). National ideology generated from the brazen coercion, with the identification of a State, a natural balance: An organic ties of the individual to the political sovereign. In the nation is any non-identity, all of which abstracts the equality of goods guardian, in the form of identity brought out ", the Incomparable be fantasized as same" as the essential character of a national community of fate, which was held in each country, man.
National consciousness reveals the identification with the state, "empathy for an apparatus," said Sheik. But the nationalist appeals not necessarily on the empirical state, which is denounced as an opportunity for corrupt and vassals, that is, by way of mischief. To assume is a "double life of the state, made possible by the nation: an inner and an outer existence, as an immortal and a mortal than perceived. "
"The contemporaries of absolutism," said Sheik, "saw the state often have a perfect machine - where all the wheels and engines fit on the most accurate one another, and the Regent only, Foreman 'is that, first driving force' or, soul ', that everything is in motion. The Untertarnen had to assume, however, inevitably in this comparison as the wretched workers, the whole subject to the laws of the mechanical division of labor, lost all autonomy and individuality had. " If the state is a machine, however, and the people are subscribed to their function as a cog of the capitalist wheels, eventually leaving only two possibilities: the revolutionary tribunal of the state or the flight into the ideology of national sovereignty - the authentic power of the own 'in the People's State. The state is immortalized in its metaphysical form: the people, a nature-like relationship, which eliminates the redundancy of an isolated individual, and - as a growing membership in the body politic coded - guaranteed capital of self recovery. "The identification of the citizen," ie, the uniformity of the individuals to be considered as legal entities, as free and equal goods guardian , "which requires it of all the differences, needs a counterweight in the interior of the citizens: the equality must be concrete, as concrete can be understood - or they will remain in consciousness of what it is: an imposition from outside, poor abstraction ". The "socially Concrete" sudden domination of the abstract of the bourgeois state around, "as the pseudo-concrete, as a national content again - and is unrecognizable."
value in the ground and anti-Semitic Krisenexorzierung
The more the individual is confronted by the capital association with its own waste, the more decisive is the need to project their own redundancy and to weld the unit with the state and nation. The capital ratio, constitute under which the individuals as politico-economic subjects and that they are unnecessary reveals is split: into a nature-like production sphere, a realm of fair wages, nature-like form of commodities and regionalization money fetish, and in a parasitic speculation sphere in which the people are the value of its self-expansion brought feels. Everything we to an abandoned and exploited Being reduced, which forces us to live as superfluous functionaries of the self-expansion can only be focused where it appears as a power without limits or misdeed asocial characters: The 'honest' body to wear, drudgery, the Community-conscious' complicit labor front in the sphere of production be the one that, parasitic 'acting in the sphere of speculation completely different. Off columns, resulting from the same: the total socialization under the direction of capital accumulation.
The capital-socialization can not be deciphered without the existence of their own reasons openly in the goods movement critical reflection, for "has its own social movement" for their subjects kapitalkonstituierten "the form of a movement of things" (Marx) - the social mediation by the "social hieroglyph" of the value. The work is related to the goods as guardians of the Agency of their civil qualities, as the intermediary between the individual atoms of capital, as the enslaved men complain about their poor self-exploitation as their natural right.
, formed by physical and mental hardships of the most varied products to value in money but imperceptible. Thus, the money appears to be magic, but to taming, otherwise sabotaging productivity monster. In truth, the only money circulating in the capital, the form in expressing the value of all goods. In money, as Marx noted the location of other goods "their own value as a finished form before an out and find them existing commercial body" (in: Das Kapital, Volume 1, MEW 23:107).
The ideological division of the capital ratio allows a makeshift reconciliation of the superfluous with their commodified existence as officials of the self-recovery: a precarious peace in the national community, which in consequence, as anti-Semitic and racist people's war against the Saboteurs of the production community expresses. Because the limited individual, in which the "silent compulsion of economic relations" (Marx) subjectivized, the capital ratio becomes second nature, it looks for those who challenge the fate and allegedly aware of the magical moments make 'capital-socialization: The Jews, who thought to realize as liberal or communist internationalists civic promise of happiness as a concrete emancipation and their forced mobility is associated with the ratio of capital ideologically split off speculation sphere.
"The rapacious predatory spirit of different kind people who have never had the air of the work known who moved restlessly from place to place, which never could take root, not ascended erdverwachsen in slow development towards higher culture, but with their restless, moving spirit and with their money from country to country changed, "characterized Gottfried Feder, venturous 'entrepreneurs and national socialist economists and politicians, Jewish, anti-nation' (quoted in here ) and reveals what it has to be as a full member of the German nation: State, plaice and factory loyal and industrious in blissful harmony with Earthroot. Only after the exiles in the rough- Competitors were forced and hired in the factories, they developed an awareness of the lean soil, from which they preferred to be grown and for this country, now rooted in the factory and barracks, 'to sacrifice their own lives.
Private property is the National Socialists Gottfried Feder essentially as a man: it "is deeply rooted in the Aryan beings," the binding to the "creative personality" prevent any anti-social moment. The propagation of a German "plant community" (G. Spring), the "community of values and valuable creative fellow" (Hans Reupke) and the "community of Indeed "(Reinhard Höhn) runs through the entire Nazi literature. The coding of socialization as the eternal capital-pottering in the production organism, ie, the baptism of the factory as worthy of protection nest of the Community, must be contrasted with an anti-nation, the curse of the capital-to avert crises. With the fervor of Christian anti-Semitism, the Jews in God's murder 'laments culminating conspirators against the incumbent government, outraged by the social monad now, the Jews and the' unproductive 'Gypsies' mock what she was to nature: capital productivity as a creative collective delusion value in the ground diligent ants.
solidarity with the destitute in the national community.
anti-Semitism against anyone and antiziganism .
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All that brings happiness
The history of the custom in a coin (Spring) Water begins at the Trevi Fountain in Rome: Trevi Fountain, the original was built in 1453 at the end of a restored water supply by Pope Nicholas V. This well funded by the wine tax was - He took us to the wine, to give us water . With each passing, threw a coin into the fountain, as a tax liability, as rebellion against it or simply mockery.
developed later, the tradition that says if you throw coins into the well, one has to return happiness and a guarantee of a day to Rome. This custom was the American film Three Coins In The Fountain (Three Coins in the Fountain) popular from 1954.
The correct way is to throw the coin into the fountain with your right hand over the left shoulder by one with his back to the fountain.
It is said that all the coins that accumulate from around the world in the Baroque pool, go to as the "Croce Rossa, the Red Cross, or the abundant monuments.
The Trevi Fountain (Italian: Fontana di Trevi) by the way, is 26 meters high and 50 meters wide and one of the most famous fountain in the world. It was built in 1732-1762, designed by Nicola Salvi in the late Baroque in the transition to neo-classical style.
The history of the custom in a coin (Spring) Water begins at the Trevi Fountain in Rome: Trevi Fountain, the original was built in 1453 at the end of a restored water supply by Pope Nicholas V. This well funded by the wine tax was - He took us to the wine, to give us water . With each passing, threw a coin into the fountain, as a tax liability, as rebellion against it or simply mockery.
developed later, the tradition that says if you throw coins into the well, one has to return happiness and a guarantee of a day to Rome. This custom was the American film Three Coins In The Fountain (Three Coins in the Fountain) popular from 1954.
The correct way is to throw the coin into the fountain with your right hand over the left shoulder by one with his back to the fountain.
It is said that all the coins that accumulate from around the world in the Baroque pool, go to as the "Croce Rossa, the Red Cross, or the abundant monuments.
The Trevi Fountain (Italian: Fontana di Trevi) by the way, is 26 meters high and 50 meters wide and one of the most famous fountain in the world. It was built in 1732-1762, designed by Nicola Salvi in the late Baroque in the transition to neo-classical style.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ho Makes The Best Aluminum Boat
Do this, what you feel - the right way
This entry has little to do with art, but I consider that a certain message could be behind it.
When I got through the castle garden towards Heroes' Square and I went to college, despite long-awaited sun was in not too good mood, I walked past this girl who was standing upright with the front wall of the National Library.
What has she just?
No matter what reason they probably had to take a few minutes break from life, I envied them for it. I do not know them and even though I and the three seniors in front of me staring in wonder at the passing and we even turned around to see if they had since moved on, no one asked for by us, whether she's fine. And even if what they had already responded to us?
In any case, it reminded me very much of:
This entry has little to do with art, but I consider that a certain message could be behind it.
When I got through the castle garden towards Heroes' Square and I went to college, despite long-awaited sun was in not too good mood, I walked past this girl who was standing upright with the front wall of the National Library.
What has she just?
No matter what reason they probably had to take a few minutes break from life, I envied them for it. I do not know them and even though I and the three seniors in front of me staring in wonder at the passing and we even turned around to see if they had since moved on, no one asked for by us, whether she's fine. And even if what they had already responded to us?
In any case, it reminded me very much of:
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Police Save The Date Sayings
"I'll never get out of this world alive" DVD
"I'll never get out of this world alive" was the last single to Hank Williams published. Soon after he was dead at age 29, drug addicted, alcoholic, gone to sleep after a concert in the back seat of a car and never woke up.
Since then, he was already a living legend, a prodigy of the country, become still legendary, and this certainly contributed also to make his son Hank Williams, Jr. took up the legacy of his father (also if the critics in their opinion of him are positive less), and his grandson, Hank Williams III, born 1972, as a tattooed punk's legacy in honor of his grandfather holds.
the early nineties, before was the comeback of Johnny Cash classic country music again "cool", turned Wolfgang Büld ("Punk in London", "Burning boredom") and Olaf Kraemer this documentary about Hank Williams drove in the U.S. followed in his footsteps, interviewed companions, colleagues and family members tried to Williams' music to the pictures produced from the southern United States, the mood captured, which was this object.
was released in 1993 the 85-minute film, has since been in oblivion is the first time on DVD, and who had discovered the face of the cash Films are interested in this aspect of the U.S. music history, should now must get this DVD.
Today it would not be possible to turn such a document, too many interviewees have died since then, and remains for the film to remember is critical that the image quality is not always today's standards and has got many a setting a bit too long.
It is positive that plenty of music by Williams can be heard, and instead talked about translations, there are subtitles. In the extra part is found among others an interview with the filmmakers.
"I'll never get out of this world alive" was the last single to Hank Williams published. Soon after he was dead at age 29, drug addicted, alcoholic, gone to sleep after a concert in the back seat of a car and never woke up.
Since then, he was already a living legend, a prodigy of the country, become still legendary, and this certainly contributed also to make his son Hank Williams, Jr. took up the legacy of his father (also if the critics in their opinion of him are positive less), and his grandson, Hank Williams III, born 1972, as a tattooed punk's legacy in honor of his grandfather holds.
the early nineties, before was the comeback of Johnny Cash classic country music again "cool", turned Wolfgang Büld ("Punk in London", "Burning boredom") and Olaf Kraemer this documentary about Hank Williams drove in the U.S. followed in his footsteps, interviewed companions, colleagues and family members tried to Williams' music to the pictures produced from the southern United States, the mood captured, which was this object.
was released in 1993 the 85-minute film, has since been in oblivion is the first time on DVD, and who had discovered the face of the cash Films are interested in this aspect of the U.S. music history, should now must get this DVD.
Today it would not be possible to turn such a document, too many interviewees have died since then, and remains for the film to remember is critical that the image quality is not always today's standards and has got many a setting a bit too long.
It is positive that plenty of music by Williams can be heard, and instead talked about translations, there are subtitles. In the extra part is found among others an interview with the filmmakers.
Harmonics And Speakers
icon Hank Williams receives Pulitzer citation
(AP) - 2 days ago
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Hank Williams, the country pioneer who is among the most influential singer-songwriters in music, was given a special Pulitzer Prize citation.
The Pulitzer board awarded the late singer for his lifetime achievement, based on a confidential survey of experts in popular music.
"I don't think any country artist cast a longer shadow than he does, both as a songwriter and a performer," Jay Orr, vice president of museum programs at the Country Music Hall of Fame, said Monday. (A Williams family exhibit runs at the Hall of Fame through 2011.)
"His songs are master works. But there's a mystique about his character that still fascinates the people who have come after him. ... He was the romantic ideal of the hillbilly Shakespeare and his cultural legacy continues to grow."
The citation notes Williams' "craftsmanship as a songwriter" and his "pivotal role in transforming country music into a major musical and cultural force in American life." He joins other recent special citation recipients Bob Dylan, Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane on a short list of American masters.
Williams died Jan. 1, 1953, at the age of 29, cutting short a career that forever changed American popular music. Hits such as "Your Cheatin' Heart," "Cold Cold Heart" and "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" have been covered by hundreds of musicians across several genres. More than 55 years after his death, he remains a central figure in country music.
Orr noted that musicians as diverse as George Jones, Ray Charles, Tony Bennett and Beck have plumbed the rich vein of Williams' music over the years. Williams' descendants — children, Hank Jr. and Jett, and grandchildren, Hank III, Holly and Hilary — continue to add to his legacy.
Born in Alabama, he grew up during the Depression, dreaming of playing country music. His first big break came when music publisher Fred Rose offered him the chance to record his own songs. His first release for MGM Records, "Move It on Over," was a hit in 1947 and he went on to record 11 No. 1 songs.
Orr said Williams took his "honky tonk confessionals," to working-class people who identified with Williams' honesty.
"He really helped to legitimize that confessional mode with songs like, 'Cold Cold Heart' — 'Why can't I free your doubtful mind/and melt your cold cold heart?'" Orr said. "That's something we've all wondered about a woman at one time or another."
Holly Williams said in an e-mail to The Associated Press that she just finished a tour in Europe and that Williams' legacy is appreciated there as well, showing his universal appeal.
"Who else has been covered by everyone from Bob Dylan to Tony Bennett to Coldplay to Buddy Guy?" she wrote. "He deserves this honor on every level and the family is really happy about this. His genius will always live on and it's nice to know that people are still remembering him with accolades more than 50 years after his death."
(AP) - 2 days ago
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Hank Williams, the country pioneer who is among the most influential singer-songwriters in music, was given a special Pulitzer Prize citation.
The Pulitzer board awarded the late singer for his lifetime achievement, based on a confidential survey of experts in popular music.
"I don't think any country artist cast a longer shadow than he does, both as a songwriter and a performer," Jay Orr, vice president of museum programs at the Country Music Hall of Fame, said Monday. (A Williams family exhibit runs at the Hall of Fame through 2011.)
"His songs are master works. But there's a mystique about his character that still fascinates the people who have come after him. ... He was the romantic ideal of the hillbilly Shakespeare and his cultural legacy continues to grow."
The citation notes Williams' "craftsmanship as a songwriter" and his "pivotal role in transforming country music into a major musical and cultural force in American life." He joins other recent special citation recipients Bob Dylan, Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane on a short list of American masters.
Williams died Jan. 1, 1953, at the age of 29, cutting short a career that forever changed American popular music. Hits such as "Your Cheatin' Heart," "Cold Cold Heart" and "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" have been covered by hundreds of musicians across several genres. More than 55 years after his death, he remains a central figure in country music.
Orr noted that musicians as diverse as George Jones, Ray Charles, Tony Bennett and Beck have plumbed the rich vein of Williams' music over the years. Williams' descendants — children, Hank Jr. and Jett, and grandchildren, Hank III, Holly and Hilary — continue to add to his legacy.
Born in Alabama, he grew up during the Depression, dreaming of playing country music. His first big break came when music publisher Fred Rose offered him the chance to record his own songs. His first release for MGM Records, "Move It on Over," was a hit in 1947 and he went on to record 11 No. 1 songs.
Orr said Williams took his "honky tonk confessionals," to working-class people who identified with Williams' honesty.
"He really helped to legitimize that confessional mode with songs like, 'Cold Cold Heart' — 'Why can't I free your doubtful mind/and melt your cold cold heart?'" Orr said. "That's something we've all wondered about a woman at one time or another."
Holly Williams said in an e-mail to The Associated Press that she just finished a tour in Europe and that Williams' legacy is appreciated there as well, showing his universal appeal.
"Who else has been covered by everyone from Bob Dylan to Tony Bennett to Coldplay to Buddy Guy?" she wrote. "He deserves this honor on every level and the family is really happy about this. His genius will always live on and it's nice to know that people are still remembering him with accolades more than 50 years after his death."
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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Rudi Wach's crucifix is now on the bridge over the Inn in Innsbruck and made with the Christians of unrest, as wax Jesus naked represents aitch protection.
[EDIT] When I had to kill today in the Museum Quarter U2 station five minutes, I saw that the sketches which decorate the subway passage are also on guard. Ha!
The Pope refers Martin Kippenberger's frog crucifix is not funny. South Tyrol.
Rudi Wach's crucifix is now on the bridge over the Inn in Innsbruck and made with the Christians of unrest, as wax Jesus naked represents aitch protection.
[EDIT] When I had to kill today in the Museum Quarter U2 station five minutes, I saw that the sketches which decorate the subway passage are also on guard. Ha!
The Pope refers Martin Kippenberger's frog crucifix is not funny. South Tyrol.
And most recently: the performance artist Emmerich Weissenberger is symbolically crucified on Thursday at St. Stephen's Cathedral in protest against the abuse of the church. He was charged with serious property damage.
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